If you’ve tried social media marketing in the past and not benefited, it is possible that you weren’t doing it right. It is a very powerful tool but will take some time to get used to. There are many tricks that people have used to benefit through social media marketing, whether they own a business, are marketing affiliate products or just sharing their content. Here are four tips to help make social media marketing work for you.
1. Offer something valuable: People aren’t going to click on links for the sake of it. They need to know that it will be valuable for them. You will need to offer a lead in to show why it is worth their time, effort and money. This can be difficult with some options where there is a small character limit. Take some time to see how others do it and then work out how you can do it for your own business.
2. Build Up Trust: Another reason people won’t click on your links is because they don’t trust you. If you’re a new internet marketer, why would they trust you over someone that they’ve followed for years? You need to give them a reason to trust you. This involves building a relationship with them. This is becoming easier through social media since you can start conversations with them – and even use the new reply function on Facebook – to help with this relationship building.
3. Don’t Spam People: It’s really easy to become social media happy. You may have written a lot of blog posts one day on different sites and want to share them with all your followers but this turns into spam. People don’t want to see you in their newsfeed every minute of the day – they’ll start tuning you out or decide that they don’t want to see notifications in the future. You may also be reported for spamming, which will lead to your account being disabled and removed.
4. Don’t Be Forgotten: If you’re concentrating on not spamming, you may find that you’re forgotten about. You need to post something every day, even if it is just a breakdown of the day, so that people see you and remember that you exist – it is all about building your brand! It can be difficult to find a fine line between posting too much and not posting enough. This will depend on your niche, your business and the type of things you’re posting. If you’re constantly marketing products, once a day is enough but if you have quality information that will help people then you want to get it out there more.
The trick to social media is offering something that people want to click on and find out more about. If they’re not interested – or have no reason to be interested – they will tune you out and follow someone else. Social media marketing does work as long as you use it right.
Author bio:
This guest post was written by Maria, a social media marketer. She has spent years learning the different platforms. Click here to find out how you can help your reputation with social media.