There are many people who are not satisfied with the computers they buy from the stores and wish they could assemble their own. But assembling a computer is not an easy task one needs to put so much of efforts in it. In this post, there is a complete description given on how you can build a computer for yourself and what are the ideal parts in order to build a quality computer.
There are many benefits of building a computer on their own:
One can easily upgrade a computer that is a custom build.
In the process, you can use all the high-quality accessories, and hand-picked a component that will eventually increase the speed and durability of your computer.
Here the some points that must be kept in mind while sitting down for assembling a computer.
Estimate your Budget
Estimating the budget gives one a price range and an idea about the quality as higher the price higher the quality. The high your budget, the high your computer’s quality. If you are choosing a computer of latest edition then it will cost you around $1000 easily and if you are not willing to spend that much then you to choose the next edition down.
Important and Complementary Parts that are Needed
If you do not have the accurate knowledge about the minimum or maximum parts you need to build a computer than you might fail in your process. From your end, you can choose 5 hard discs, 8 graphic card, but are there any ned of it? Most probably No.
All you need are the following parts given below
Video Card
Hard Drive
Memory (RAM)
Case with a Power Supply
Optional and additional parts:
LCD or LED Monitor as per own preference
DVD or CD for installing OS from the provided disc
Intel or AMD
Among all the important components, the processor is one the major component, but most of the people get confused between AMD and Intel. And surf on search engines which one is the best among both of them. Different websites say different things, but the real answer is your choice. Exactly, it is all depends on one’s choice. You can do site searches where there is a difference between both of them is given.
After you are done with your processor issue, you should go forward and examine the specs to get clear the type of motherboard you want for your computer.
Graphic Card
If you are a gamer in real life then, you must get a graphic card so that you can play games of biggest resolution on your PC. Spending money on crappy and cheap graphic card is just a waste of money, you should get some high-quality card to boost your gaming experience. You must try out NVIDIA 8800 GTS card, this card will going to offer you a blazing fast speed. Moreover, you need to give a complete support to your graphic card as most of high-end graphic cards need a separate power connector, so make certain you use a right power connector.
When you are spending your money on memory than before that you need to find out what OS you will use, Either Windows or Linux, either a 32 Bit or 64 Bit. As per my suggestion if you using or going to use a 32 bit version of Windows or Linux whatsoever you must go with at least 3GB of memory and in case you need more than opting for the 64 bit OS.
Remember! Avoid focusing on getting more memory as having more memory is more important than memory speed.
Hard Drive and DVD
It is the Hard Disc that faces the most number of failures, so do not forget to buy a quality hard drive and that too from a good seller. Make certain that you always buy an SATA drive for both of your DVD and Hard drives.
After you are all set and done with all the parts, proceed and assemble them as per the guidance. Show a video here to know how to assemble a computer at home.