The prices of smart phones have experienced drastic change during recent times. A common man can now buy smart phone just by paying small amount. The price of smart phones is in reach of common man today. Fall in the price of smart phones has penetrated them into middle class market and many of them are using affordable android phones today. Every smart phone users uses different apps that are available in the app store to address different needs in a day. The apps used the customer will also help them to store some critical information.
In such scenarios, it is important that you secure the phone through locking system to prevent it from unauthorized accesses. Locking the entire phone with password will keep you in trouble each time you want to accesses particular app. If you want to protect few apps and keep few apps unprotected so that you can access them quickly whenever needed, you should install app lock app that is available on the Google play store.
You can get this app for free of charge and is compatible with all smart phones on android platforms. This app helps to lock photos videos, apps. You can even lock any mobile application with this app and gives multiple language support also. You can stop accidental accesses to certain apps without paying attention to it. You should have good advanced app lock system for your phone. This should act good lock to your phone screen and lock accesses to important apps on your phone. The app that is available on Google play store serves both the purposes effectively with the two switches on the screen. The quick lock will help in easy turn on or off all protected apps and lock phone screen will unlock the entire phone completely. However, the two actions are possible only with the password that you have given after installing. Other can access your apps only when you know the security password. There are many locking apps that are available in the app store so, you should take few factors into consideration while choosing the lock for your app.
Advanced lock that you choose pick from the app store will be the best choice for your phone, if you can make sure that the lock has fallowing features.
User Defined Features:
Every consumer would wish to have unique apps on their phone but, it is pretty difficult design customized app for each user, choose the lock that enables you to set your desired password or lock the app with desired pattern.
Works Well
You should check the features of the app before you download it on the phone. Make sure it works well and does what it claims to accomplish.
User Interface
The user interface of the app should be beautiful and user friendly. It should give easy accesses to any operation that you wanted to do on the mobile with the help of the app.