Burglaries and theft are unpredictable, but the good news is you have the chance to prevent it before it actually happens. If you’re worried about thieves and criminals breaking into your business location, be sure to use these tactics for deterring them from even attempting.
Use an Old-Fashioned Rod for Locking Windows
Even if your windows come equipped with quality locks, you should always place a rod in the window tracking to physically block the window from being opened. Even if the thief somehow manages to break or manipulate the locks, the rod itself prevent the window from being opened. If you have any malfunctioning locks or windows requiring a “jimmy” to operate, be sure to replace them as soon as possible.
Never Tempt Thieves
Many times, business locations are robbed or burglarized because they have lots of valuable materials lying outside of them. Even if you have expensive materials lying behind your building and out of view, that doesn’t mean a thief won’t walk around your building and find them one way or the other. Always store anything of value within the building.
Use Tall Fencing
For the perimeter of your business property, install tall fencing to shield the view of your facility from intruders. This type of fencing is hard to scale for criminals, which will greatly decrease the odds of your business location being burglarized in the first place. Try to opt for a smooth, flat fence texture so criminals won’t be able to gain any footing on it.
Get a Security System Installed
In modern day society, a business owner can no longer truly get by without equipping their business location with a security system. There are many options for equipping a facility with this type of system, and your choices will also highly depend on your budget. A specialist from Astro Guard Alarms advises business owners to opt for a security system which streams the video feeds from the security cameras to a screen of their choice while away from the business location.
Try to Leave Certain Lights On
When you’re ready to close up, you should always leave the lights closest to the windows on. Lights signify to thieves the presence of people within the facility and, in many cases, this is enough to deter them from attempting a break-in.
Overall, always start with a security system and work your way up. The more security measures you can implement for your business location, the better. Always remember; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.