Most of the businesses today don’t even know what their actual image on web is, what people are actually talking about them and how their brand appears to the users. If you know all of this, than congratulations, as you are already miles ahead of your competitors. If you don’t know answer to these questions, then you need to start monitoring your online presence right now. Most part of any online marketing, or reputation management consists of social media, hence it is critical to make sure that you keep a close eye on your social media presence, and what users are saying about your brand on popular social media sites.
Due to the advent of social media and its huge popularity in last few years, more and more companies are offering products that make businesses make the most of these platforms, and gain business advantages. Due to the stiff competition, it sometimes become tough to decide which solution should you opt for best social media campaign?
Since keeping an eye on all the social media sites becomes a tedious task for businesses, the demand of social media monitoring tools is on a rise right now. In this article, we are going to list 4 of the most popular and authentic tools that you can incorporate in your online reputation management strategy right away. So here we go:
Trackur: this is one of the most simple and straight forward solutions that is suitable for most businesses. It has no fancy thing about it, and learning it is quite fun and easy. It lowest package costs around 18$ per month and has the ability to track 3 phrases or keywords. Since it is a basic tool, you don’t have the option of marking something as irrelevant so that it does not trigger again.
Official website:
Flitrbox: this tool has a very sleek interface that looks more like a web 2.0 one. We have used only its Basic version and it is quite impressive with respect to the looks, interface and ease of use. This does not offer advanced social monitoring features rather just the basic stuff (more than the free tools).
Official website:
Brandseye: This is by far better than Trackur and FlitrBox, this offers the functionality of marking ir-relevant and spammy entries. This tool offers multitude of features that can make your social media monitoring campaign much more useful and effective. BrandsEye is constantly upgrading and hence they have recently launched their Firefox extension and Gadget apps as well. All in all, this is a very handy tool that offers slightly advanced tools for businesses compared to free tools.
Its lowest package costs only 1$ a month and allows tracking of 5 keywords/phrases.
Official Website:
Out of all the 4 social media monitoring systems discussed here, this one is the most advanced and offer immense functionality for small and even large businesses.
Though it is a costly tool that costs around 600$ per month and tracks 5 keywords. But the features and benefits it provides make it totally worth it.
Author Bio
Maegan Pulman is a freelance IT consultant and technology enthusiast. She is active in local and international IT events and is always on the lookout for the latest industry trends.