For those suffering from a thyroid problem, there are various nutritional supplements they can take to restore the function of their thyroid gland and maintain their health. But they need to keep in mind that not everyone who has thyroid will have the same deficiencies. For instance, there are many who have a vitamin D deficiency but they need to be tested in order to confirm if they are actually deficient in vitamin D. Also for different individuals, the dosage will also differ. So, before investing in supplements, ensure that you check with your doctor regarding the same.
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Hypothyroidism is a common disorder and natural supplements are usually recommended for it. Some of the supplements that can help are herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids.
The two major thyroid hormones are and triiodothyronine (T3) and throxine (T4). And iodine deficiency is the major reason for causing hypothyroidism.
Since this is essential for the formation of thyroid hormones, supplementing iodine in your diet is important. If you are not including it in your diet, you can take dietary supplements. But you need to keep a check on the level of your thyroid hormone during the supplementation. And you also need to check with an endocrinologist if the cause of hypothyroidism is low levels of iodine because only in this case, iodine supplementation will prove to be useful. In other cases, when hypothyroidism is due to other factors, taking supplements can have an adverse effect on your health.
Vitamin D
This is the most important vitamin required for functioning of the thyroid gland. It is known to protect the thyroid gland from autoimmune disorders. It is also reported that Vitamin D protects against thyroid cancers as well. Taking vitamin D supplements can work wonders for your health. And not to forget, sun is the biggest source of this vitamin so along with supplements, take some dose of sun exposure too.
This is very essential as many people are magnesium deficient. Magnesium is found in whole grains and green leafy vegetables. But you can also take a supplement alongside. And it becomes all the more significant if you are supplementing it with iodine because magnesium is necessary for iodine’s absorption.
This is also needed for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Our body utilizes selenium to make selenoproteins. And the thyroid gland needs 11 different kinds of selenoproteins to make T3 and T4. Apart from this, selenium also helps prevent the formation of goiter. But goiter is not the only disease caused by the deficiency of selenium. Other conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can also get worse if you are selenium deficient. Selenium supplementation is usually recommended along with iodine supplementation. While buying any from the list, don’t forget to get 100% working discount coupons to get amazing discounts which are available exclusively at
Zinc and copper
These two play smaller roles but they can’t be ignored. Zinc is needed for the release of TRH from hypothalamus and zinc supplementation is also used in the treatment of hypothyroidism. But zinc competes with copper when it comes to absorption as when the zinc levels rise, the copper levels fall. So, copper supplements are given alongside zinc supplements. Apart from this, since copper is an antioxidant, it helps in the protection of thyroid gland from oxidative damage.
There are various thyroid supplements available that contain different combination of all the things listed above. For instance, Thyax is considered to be an effective supplement.