Swimming is a lot of fun for children when they are used to being in the water, but initially it can be a bit of a daunting experience for them. As with anything that is new, they might feel a little nervous at first. It is not just the fact that they will be in a pool that can be frightening to them, but also the new surroundings and people they will encounter. Even parents can feel a bit unsure if it is the first time they have enrolled their children in swimming lessons. The following tips can make the experience a little less intimidating for both parents and children.
Use Bath Time To Get Your Child Used To Being In Water
Before your child ever sets foot in a pool, you can get him or her used to being in the water by making bath time more fun. This will ensure that kids feel more at ease while immersed in water and can concentrate during lessons.
Familiarize Your Child With The Swimming Pool
If the first day of swimming lessons is the first time that your child ever sees a pool, it is naturally going to be very intimidating. Instead, let your child see and experience the atmosphere of the pool first without the pressure of listening to the lessons. For example, when taking your children for West Des Moines swimming lessons, let them see how much fun the other children are having. If you get your kids relaxed and familiar with their surroundings, it won’t be such a shock to them when it is their turn.
Let Your Child Help Pick Their New Swimsuit
Swimming lessons should be something to look forward to and not something to fear, so get your child excited about the experience. For example, take your children along when buying their swimsuits and let them choose which one they want. They can also try it out in the bath to get used to the sensation of a wet swimsuit.
Arrive Early For The First Lesson
Most places that provide swimming lessons have strict time constraints for lessons, so it is important for your child to be there on time. If possible, arrive a little early to ensure that there is enough time for the child to get changed and ready without having to rush. Arriving late and having to rush will only cause children to feel flustered, which will hamper their enjoyment of the lessons.
Familiarize Yourself With The Rules
Most places that offer swimming lessons have a couple of rules that need to be followed governing what the child should wear or bring along. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with these rules so that there is no confusion or uncertainty on the day of the lesson.
Encourage Your Child
Above all, it is important praise and encourage your child for taking the important step of learning how to swim.