Experiencing a problem that requires immediate attention when it comes to your mouth doesn’t always happen during regular office hours. Contacting your Surrey dentist or finding someone to deal with the issue may take some time so in the meantime here are some things to help you through your dental emergency until you get to your appointment.
- Lost filling – use a piece of sugar gum to cover the cavity or an over the counter cement will protect exposed painful nerves until you can book an emergency appointment.
- Broken braces – to avoid injuring the inside of your mouth use a pencil eraser to fold any sharp ends back down safely. If that doesn’t work try dental wax or gauze to cover wires. Book an appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible.
- Abscesses – an abscess indicates an infection around the root of a tooth and is a very serious problem that needs to be taken care of by a dentist immediately. While you wait for your emergency appointment rinse your mouth with warm, salty water to clean the infected area.
- Knocked out tooth – locate the missing tooth or teeth taking care to handle it by the enamel, never the roots. Rinse in warm water but avoid scrubbing, when possible place the tooth back in it’s original position and hold in place until you get to your emergency appointment. Otherwise you can store it in a cup of milk on your way the the appointment.
- Toothache – rinse your mouth with warm water, try flossing if food particles are the cause of the problem Apply a cold compress to alleviate the pain until you make your way to the emergency appointment.
- Chipped or broken teeth – whenever possible save any broken off pieces then follow by rinsing the mouth with warm water. Gauze can be used to stop any bleeding if that happens, apply cold compresses on the outside of the mouth until you see your emergency dentist.
Searching for dentists contact Cloverdale Crossings Dental.