If you have always run your company from one location and are now considering moving it out of state, you have several considerations to make. Not only must you research new state laws and local ordinances, but also you should be aware that you will be fighting against a new climate. Whether you are moving from warm to cold, from rainy to sunny or from arid to snowy, these four tips can help you prepare for the unexpected.
Be Prepared to Let Employees Work from Home
If you are moving to an area where bad weather is frequent throughout one or more seasons of the year, you will need to put a plan in place for allowing employees to work at home. This could include setting them up with laptop computers and having a plan for long-distance communication. This is especially important in climates that are prone to blizzards and other wintry weather.
Have the Appropriate Gear for Rainy Days
If you are moving to a rainy area, such as in the northwestern or southeastern United States, be sure that any employees who work outside are prepared with rain gear, including rain boots, water-repellant jackets and hats. You may also need to purchase waterproofing supplies for any equipment that you use outside.
Consider Changes in Utility Costs
Moving to a new climate could significantly impact your utility costs in the summer and winter when temperatures are at their most extreme. If you are moving north, be aware that your natural gas or other heating charges could skyrocket, and consider finding a local program for keeping costs stable. If you are moving to the South, remember that your electrical costs will be very high in the summer if your business has air conditioning units.
Add in Changes for Landscaping or Outdoor Care
You may find that you have changes in your landscaping costs when moving to a new state. In milder climates, you may be paying more frequently for mowing and trimming services or for flower planting. However, if you end up where snow and ice are the norm, you will need to budget money for snow plowing as well as salting and sanding services for your parking lot and sidewalks.
While moving your company to a new climate can be thrilling, be aware that it will certainly take time for you and your employees to adjust to the new weather patterns. As time goes by, you will learn all of the tips that the locals already know and will feel prepared for just about anything. Finally, be aware that you will definitely need to consider the time of year that you are moving based on your current and your new climates.