Junk dealers collect hoarder from the entire town in the greed of some extra bucks. But they never realise that in this process they may collect lot of legal and health issues. When hoarder piles up in a house, it not only makes the house messy and suffocating but also gives birth to hazardous contamination. Regular cleanup is the need of the hour in this case.
Hoarder cleanup by experts
Hoarder cleanupis a critical job and if done by inexperienced people, then hazardous contamination can become life threatening for them and for the people of the house. It is very important to appoint a certified and highly experienced cleanup agency to do the job. Cleanup is not limited to removal of hoarder but it also includes bio hazard cleaning.
Here are few important bio hazard threats posed by any hoarder!
- Mould: Mould is one of the most troublesome threats posed by the hoarder. Moulds usually grow below the junk and on the wall behind it. These moulds have the characteristic to grow rapidly and make a network in the entire house. When moulds are touched by the cleaner they release their spores in the air and cause further bio hazard contamination. It is very important that the moulds are touched by people who are certified and have experience of years. They should be equipped with techniques that are capable of removing the entire moulds at once.
- Live animals: second threat posed by the hoarder is live animals dwelling between the junk. Animals like rats, lizards, termites and other such parasitic creatures dwell in the mess easily. These animals can cause damage to the household stuff and can be cause of spreading diseases to the people living in the house. When a cleaner touch the hoarder for cleanup, rodents may think it is an attack on their house and bite you to protect their house. This can further cause disease like rabies and hepatitis.
- Urine and faeces: live animals living in the hoarder passes urine and faecal matter in the junk itself. This waste mater further gives birth to disease causing pathogens. When urine and faeces of the animals decompose in between the layers of the junk it becomes home for bio hazard pathogens and unbearable odour. This further leads to the need of bio hazard odour cleanup.
- Blood and body fluids: blood and body fluids released by the animals becomes the birth place of blood borne pathogens. These blood borne pathogens can cause HIV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and many other life threatening diseases. Odour produced by the blood and body fluid is unbearable.