When you own a business, you know that the safety of your employees and customers always comes first. You can enjoy decorating your store and celebrating the holidays, but it is important to always be watchful so that you can prevent problems from occurring whenever possible.
Watch Where You Decorate
Although decorating your business will help it look better, be sure to decorate in places that are not going to be in the way. Never, for instance, block or in any way obscure emergency exits. You should also be sure to never pile decorations too high and close to the edge of shelves so as not to knock anything out of place.
Good Time for Training
Your employees may be stocking more items on shelves for the holidays if you have a retail business, so this is the time to make sure that they are well trained in lifting heavy objects. You want to teach them how to safely move items to prevent lifting and falling injuries. If you have new seasonal employees coming in, be sure to include them on the extra training sessions as well.
Fire Safety
There are many fire hazards during the holidays, from tree with lights on them to paper decorations and wreaths. Be sure that you keep items away from any source of heat that could cause a fire to start. If you use candles in your store for decorations, make sure that they are battery operated instead having an open flame. You may want to make sure that your employees know emergency exit procedures and what to do in case a fire starts. This is a good time to have fire safety classes or to at least send out a newsletter with tips to your employees.
Party Safely
Companies of every type and size hold office parties to celebrate the season—yours doesn’t have to be the exception due to safety concerns. A little bit of planning goes a long way, when it comes to celebrating at the office. If you’re going to be serving alcohol to your employees, make sure you arrange for a taxi service or designated driver program, to be certain no one tries to drive while intoxicated. According to a Waseca DWI attorney, DUI and DWI convictions have serious legal consequences which can impact one’s life for years to come. Protect your employees’ future—and the future of your business—by being smart, safe, and responsible when planning your office party.
Watch Out For Your Parking Lot and Sidewalk
The outdoors can be full of safety hazards for your business too. Be on the lookout for anyone just hanging around your parking lot. You want to make sure that your customers are safe going to and from their cars. Make sure that the parking lot is well lit too. If you have decorations outside, be sure to watch out for tripping hazards. You should also make sure that your sidewalks do not freeze and cause slipping hazards to people coming to do business with you or to your employees.
The holidays are a great time to be festive and carefree, but always protect your employees and customers from preventable accidents. Decorate safely and watch out for anything suspicious.