Bath products are always a popular item. They make the best gifts, they can be made into baskets, given away at a moment’s notice and they have really expansive price-points. You can find soaps, body washes and bath salts for any budget and they are always attractive smelling and looking.

Bath Products
Trends in Bath Products
One of the hottest trends you’ll find everywhere are handmade bath products they can be found at farmers markets, art and craft fairs, online and even at the mall in boutique shoppers. It seems like everyone is into it. They are made so organically so if you love smelling herbs and flowering perfume smells with beautiful colors and textures that are dictated by the artisan that creates them!
Essential Oils
Essential oils are all the rage and they aren’t just for massage. Put three drops in a bath and soak your troubles away! Love the scent of Lavender and mint or maybe a little Eucalyptus? Then essential oils are a hot trend you need to have pronto!
Coconut Oil Lotions and Bars
You know that coconut oil is one of the most powerful super foods there is. It’s not just amazing internally but it’s amazing to your hair and skin too! It’s known to rid you of grey hair and the molecules are small enough to penetrate the scalp and hair shaft to promote growth and shine. It’s amazing for your skin too and doesn’t leave an oily residue. No wonder this is an incredible bath product!
Foaming Products
Foaming products allows you to use less so it lasts longer. It comes in dish soap too! But for bath products it comes in hand soap, antibacterial, moisturizing, cleansing, essential oil and more for sink and bath!
Shower Vapor Discs
Now, these are the absolute bees knees. Just place one at the bottom of the shower and with the first hit of hot water, the steam will rise and hit you in the face with a wonderful and unbeatable aroma. It’s your own sauna at home.
Bath Fizzles and Bombs
These are products that won’t fizzle out quickly and they are the bomb–literally! Just place the ball or cake in the bath with you and watch them fizzle and lightly detonate a wonderful effervescence. It’s a tingle you won’t soon forget as you meditate away the day in the bath.
This is only the tip of the iceberg in the latest and most popular trends right now. Some are new and some regained popularity as the spa and holistic era continues its ascent. They are affordable and a great treat for everyone.