There are thousands of websites, articles, and YouTube videos that will tell you all about some SEO factors that you absolutely need to use, and most of them will tell you about the same few things. However, have you already used these ideas to optimise your site but still aren’t getting the results that you want? Surely, there must be some important SEO tactics that you aren’t yet using to increase your page rank. The information below should prove helpful to you if you are in this situation.
Internal Linking
Nearly every single article and video out there that talks about SEO will talk about the importance of strong external linking. Having a few links from highly authoritative sites, or thousands of links from other reputable sites is certainly extremely helpful to your overall rank. However, this factor isn’t everything you need to think about when it comes to your links. You also need a strong internal linking strategy. How can internal links help your SEO ranking? Well, there are a couple of ways these links can help you, even if it doesn’t have any direct effect on how Google scores your site. A good internal linking structure makes it easy for your visitors to get around, and encourages them to do so. This will contribute to your SEO rank in a couple of ways. First, it will cause your visitors to view more pages on your site. A website that serves an average of ten pages to each visitor will certainly appear to be more helpful and authoritative than a site that serves only one. Second, the more pages your visitors view, the higher your time on site will be, and this will also contribute to a lower average bounce rate. Overall, this could greatly affect your search ranking, so it’s worth it to ensure that each of your pages and posts has multiple links to your other content.
External Linking to Specific Pages
As mentioned above, the majority of SEO help articles and videos out on the web focus on the importance of building external links to your site. However, it’s important to note that this link building needs to happen naturally. In the past, people would submit dozens of articles to directories and place a link to their home directory. This used to work, but search algorithms are getting smarter every day, and major search providers are more trying to create products that are more natural. Authoritative sites will naturally build links to all kinds of pages on their site, not just on their home page. If another online content creator finds a particular article on your site that is valuable, they’ll share a link directly to that page. If you’re going to attempt to build links with other content creators out there, you should focus the majority of your attention on creating links to different pages on your site, and not just to your home page. This will prove to be far more effective for a number of different reasons. Hiring an SEO company in Dubai can help you to execute strategies that will make these SEO factors work for you.