There are numerous methods that you can employ that will allow you to ship your products quickly and still save some money. Using these types of strategies may be the key for you to stay in business and have happy customers. Here are some of the methods that may help to cut shipping costs without jeopardizing delivery times.
Negotiate on Rates
If you ship large quantities of items, you may be able to negotiate on your shipping rates. In some instances, joining a professional association could help you in these efforts. This would allow you to become part of a larger group that may qualify for lower shipping rates without having to skimp out on your delivery deadlines. Standardizing your shipping packages may also help you in your efforts to reduce your shipping costs.
Ship Locally
Shipping all of your items from a local location could help to reduce your costs and improve your delivery times. This method is sometimes referred to as zone skipping. This is where you have a local warehouse or partner with another local entity in order to not have to ship your products across different time zones. The customer is happy because their items arrive sooner and you don’t have to pay the shipping charges for a cross country trek.
Use Freightliners
Another common solution to help lower your shipping costs is to take on your own delivery transportation system. For example, purchasing used freightliners trucks can help you get your products to your customers without the aid of a third party. This would give you greater control when it comes to controlling your overhead costs and making adjusts as needed. Much of the costs associated with long distance shipping could be more easily managed by developing this strategy.
Focus on Packaging
How you package your items can make a big difference in the rate that you’ll pay in order to ship them. There are flat rate boxes that are available that could help in your efforts to better control costs. Another benefit of focusing on packaging is that you will be able to more effectively communicate the dimensions of your shipment containers. There wouldn’t be any overcharges or holdups to consider if your items didn’t fit the specifications that were prearranged.
You have options when it comes to improving your delivery times and still saving some money. Employ these strategies so that you can be more efficient and reduce your overhead costs.