Don’t you just wish your life had a soundtrack sometimes? Like the most perfect tune for the most perfect moment? In my life, a soundtrack does play. In my head, of course, but it plays for almost every little moment that has ever meant anything to me. This is where you take a seat because you guessed it. I’m going to take a trip down memory lane to when I became what I am today- a successfully happy licensed cosmetologist.
Age 6: My love affair for make-up began. As does every little girl’s at that age anyway. But one of the biggest influencers in my life was my mother (and her long gorgeous mane).
Age 12: I started cutting my own bangs. Why was this a pivotal moment in my life? It’s because my best friend, Jenny uttered the next five words that changed my life forever- “Hey, cut my hair too!”
Age 15: I’m giving everyone I know free makeovers, YouTubing make-up videos and loving every moment of it. It was at this point that I knew I had an important decision to make. What was I going to do with my burning love for make-up? Would I turn it into a career? Could I turn it into a successful career? There were so many questions that needed answers and I needed to find them in
Age 18: The frantic hunt for finding the best beauty coursesis underway. Why did I choose to go a beauty school? Why couldn’t I simply just gain experience by working at a salon? Because I was convinced that there were some things about the career I’d chosen that only a beauty school could teach me. If working in a salon gave me hands-on experience, going to the right beauty school would not only give me hands-on experience, but also management training that could help me start my own salon one day. If working in a salon exposed me to real world experiences; studying in a beauty school gave me the chance to not only learn from several successful professionals from the field, but to also work with state-of-the-art equipment and amenities. After a lot of research, I finally found the one I’d been looking for.
Age 19: The day I became a licensed cosmetologist. It was the single most liberating moment of my life because it was at that moment that I knew I was completely fee (and equipped) to pursue my dreams with abandon. There is a certain reassurance that comes with the knowledge that you have done everything right and you have a license to prove it. You might not see the need for it but take my word for it, that license? It’s what will help propel your career in the right direction once you get out of beauty school.
Age 21: After having worked under the guidance of expert make-up artists, I knew it was finally time for me to take the plunge and start my own salon. I went to beauty school, I got licensed, I worked with professionals in the field for years gaining all the experience I could get and at the young age of 21, I started my very own salon.
It’s been 3 years since that date and I regret nothing. If you’re still wondering how a beauty course could boost your career, here’s what I learnt. If not for all the great things you’ll learn at beauty school, if not for all the great skills you’ll be taught, bright, influential professionals you’ll learn from, or the friends you’ll make; enroll for the reassurance that comes by enrolling in a reputed school- the reassurance that your career is in good hands and is only going to move in the right direction.
Who am I? I’m Kathleen Case and in my beauty salon i make people pretty. With the help of a fine education provided by MarinelloBeauty Schools I’m able to make the people of the world beautiful one face at a time. I have collected the experiences I have gained perfecting every face I work on and using all that information, I write about beauty in all its forms to help the people I cannot reach with my own hands.