Running a quality blog is never an easy task. However, even if your blog has the greatest, most relevant content ever composed, and if its authority is simply undisputable, all of this counts for nothing if your traffic is low. Even the greatest message is worthless if no one receives it, so you owe it to both yourself and your readers to try and increase the number of visitors you receive. Because of this, you need to find a way to properly market your blog and here are several tips and tricks that we hope might be of assistance.
Target Demographic
First, you need to be able to identify your target demographic. Namely, although it is good to have diversity amongst your visitors, sometimes by trying to reach everyone, you won’t reach anyone. Start by trying to imagine what your average visitor looks like. Try to guess his or her age, occupation and location and in this way you will already be on your way to learn something about their desires. Now that you have seen who they are, you can proceed to appeal to them. Approach them through their favorite mediums, give them promises that they want to hear and present your blog like something they desperately need.
Social Networks
In the early 21st century, it is completely inevitable to resort to social networks, regardless of the business niche you are in. The thing about them is that apart from being completely free, their methods of posting, sharing and retweeting can guarantee that your blog is heard of. Luckily, this marketing endeavor is not something that requires a professional assistance and you can easily do it on your own. Namely, just make a profile on all the social networks and start posting. Another thing you simply must do is add social media share buttons to your blog and this can be done with a simple WordPress (WP) plugin.
Just like in real life, not everyone’s word carries the same weight. There are some people whose every tweet, post or comment sends a loud echo around social networks. These people are jointly called influencers. Persuading one of these influencers to mention you just once can make all the difference and increase the number of visits to your blog many times over. If persuading doesn’t work, it might even be worth your while to pay for this service. This of course is nothing unusual in the world of social networks and if Tiger Woods can do it for Nike, someone should be allowed to do it for you as well.
Keep Your Visitors
Even though in these ways you can easily attract your target audience, what you need is for them to stay and here you will need two things. The first one is the aforementioned quality and relevant content, and the second one is an adequate visual stimuli. The best way to achieve the latter one is through images (since flash media can slow down your page significantly). In fact, if you have some niche-relevant images that you believe may be of use to others, you can sell them via EyeEm, and in this way gain not only renown but some additional funds as well.
In the hostile dog-eat-dog world of the blogosphere, one needs to be ready to fight if their blog is to survive. With this in mind, nothing is off limits. Honorable mentions go to SEO endeavors, as well as trading favors with other bloggers, but in order to make a difference on the budget, social networks are your safest bet.
However, all of the aforementioned is just a tip of the iceberg of all the things that you can do in order to improve your blog’s standings on the World Wide Web. Needless to say, you should always keep your eye out for new opportunities and ideas.