Some people think they need to go to university and learn about online marketing, and brand promotion in general. Others might assume that they have to pay so-called gurus lots of money to handle their marketing strategies.
What all of those people fail to realize is that they can tackle Internet marketing themselves, and make it pay off! Is that something you are keen to try out? If so, this handy guide is for you! Keep reading to learn more about how you can make Internet marketing work for you.
Is your Website “fit for purpose”?
All online marketing strategies usually focus around a company’s website. It’s the online hub and knowledge base for any business. It tells customers more about the organization and its products and services. And it should also tell people how the company can help solve their problems.
Before you embark on any Internet marketing campaign, the first thing you need to do is look at how good your website is. After all; if your site is rubbish, people will assume what you have to offer is also mediocre in quality.
Here are a few pointers to help you jazz up your website and make it fit for purpose again:
- Use a responsive design. In case you’re wondering, this refers to how a website resizes on a small screen like on a mobile phone;
- Keep it simple. People are busy and don’t want to spend ages trying to decipher what you’re saying on your web pages. Ensure that your content is easy to digest; and
- Speed it up. One pet hate of Web surfers is having to wait for a slow website to load up! Make sure your content is quick to load and is hosted on a fast server.
Does Your Content Make Sense?
The design of your website is only part of the story. You need to ensure that what you’ve got written on each page is on topic and makes sense. At the same time, you also need to ensure that there’s a “call to action” so people convert from visitors into customers.
For that reason, business guru Issa Asad recommends that you hire a professional copywriter. They’ll knock up some text that packs a punch and gets people buying from your company! After all; you need people to buy things so you can stay in business!
Are Your Social Media Profiles in Order?
Companies set up accounts on social networking sites for two reasons. First, they want to engage with their customers and “fans.” And, second, they see those services as extra marketing channels.
Don’t just set up a profile on Facebook and write one post a year on it! Have someone (either working for you or outsourced) making regular updates to your social media accounts. Fresh, daily content means that people are more likely to share your posts and buy stuff from you.
Are You Paying for Online Advertising Yet?
If not, you need to. Gone are the days where companies could just rely on organic traffic to their websites. There are over a billion websites on the Internet! And there is a good chance you’ll have thousands of competitors in your country.
Get the edge over those other companies by directing traffic to your site. Examples of paid advertising include:
- Social media ads on Facebook and Twitter;
- Google AdWords (both on Google and affiliated “AdSense” sites); and
- Promoted content, like guest posts, on other websites.
Now that you’ve read these top tips, it’s time to get busy and make some money!