Your kids might need a new light source in their room, and unless you can find a perfect one for them, they will have trouble feeling comfortable. Moreover, for some, lights at night could be a necessity to go to sleep as well. Nevertheless, there are plenty of lights to choose from, but you will have to make the hard choice of picking one out.
Too Bright?
Be sure to include your kid when choosing a light in their room, because they will be living with it, and they should have something they like the most. However, look into whether or not the light will be too bright, as it can be distracting for them. Furthermore, avoid installing a dim light, as it could be scary for them when nigh time rolls around.
Keep Your Kids Safe at Night
Kids will be afraid of the night, but with a simple nightlight you can help them go to sleep without any worries. Keep in mind that darkness can be especially scary if the doors are closed and there is no light coming from the hallway. Set up a couple of nightlights so that even if one goes out, there is another source calming your kids down.
How Do You Place Them?
Where you will install the lights in the kid’s room will matter greatly, not just to your kids, but also how it will illuminate the place. Bear in mind that in order to avoid having too many lights, you should find focal points, which will help install lights. On the other hand, make sure that the room has no dark spots, as it could be frightening.
Choose a Type of Light
Even if your kids might not need a specific light at the moment, you should plan ahead, and set up a few which have specific purposes. Remember that not all lights will have the same function, and while they can look great in a room, they will not be bright enough. Moreover, try to avoid putting in too many lights, because the wires could be dangerous for your kids.
Use Eco-Friendly Bulbs
Green light bulbs will be a great step forward towards being economical, and being able to save some money on the energy bill. Moreover, they will be safer for children, as they will not heat up as much. And even if you leave them on for a longer period of time, they will not use up a lot of energy. They might be a bit expensive, but they will repay themselves gradually over time.
Keep Lights out of Reach
If you are afraid that your children might hurt themselves accidentally or get shocked, you should consider the idea of installing lights out of reach. Recessed LED downlights are a great addition to any room, because you will be able to install a dimmer as well, to double as a nightlight for kids. Remember that you should have a professional over to install it, in order to avoid messing up the wires or getting shocked in the process.
Setting up lights in your kid’s room will take some careful planning, as you will have to take their taste and light functionality into account. Be sure to avoid having too many light sources as they will ruin the atmosphere and overall feeling of the room. Try to include your kids as much as possible, as they will have to look at the lights every day. In the end, call in help when installing the lights to minimize the chances of hurting yourself or the kids.