Shopping for clothes online is convenient, quick and can also save you lots of money. However, because you are not in the physical vicinity of the item you are buying, it is also easy to purchase the wrong thing. Perhaps the item doesn’t reach your expectations, maybe it was an impulse buy, perhaps it fits you wrong, or it’s just really bad quality. Whatever the reason, if you’ve had this experience, no doubt it has left you deflated and feeling a little lack lustre when it comes to shopping online again.
Don’t worry, and don’t give up the gauntlet just yet, you’re just a few simple tips away from avoiding the weekend crowds, keeping your comfies on and enjoying shopping from your living room, all without buying the wrong thing:
Read About The Garment
When you walk into a shop you can feel the clothes, take a close look at their stitching, materials and general weight. You obviously cannot do this online, but you can read the information about the garment. It might look like a loose fitting elasticated top, but it might actually contain some wool or other material that makes it thicker. How does it do up? With buttons or a zip? The two could make the garment easy to put on or more difficult, and effect how it sits on your body. Never just rely on the picture you see because the model may be taller or shorter than you and a different size and shape as well.
Do Not Buy On Impulse
It is really easy to spend lots of money online in a frenzy, then come away regretting what you have spent your money on. Remember that the online world of women’s fashion isn’t going anywhere, so you can afford to take your time. Make sure you promise yourself that you will think about each purchase for at least five minutes before handing over your card details, to protect yourself against impulsively buying without thinking.
Set A Budget
When we are paying online, we aren’t physically handing over the cash which means our brain isn’t acknowledging that we are spending the money. To avoid overspending, go onto your online banking beforehand and think carefully about how much you can and should spend, and set yourself a budget. Keep a note of how much you are spending as you go along as the purchases don’t always register on your bank account straight away, particularly if you are buying at the weekend. So you might think you have more money left than you actually do.
Don’t Drink And Shop!
Never, ever go online to shop after you have been drinking – it will never end well.
Look Around
Make sure you look around before you make any purchase. There is so much money to be saved with voucher codes, cashback sites, offers, seasonal sales, first-time customer bonuses – the list really is endless.
Keep In The Know With Your Favourite Shops
Make sure you keep in the know with all your favourite shops by signing up to their newsletters and following them on social media. They may well send you online customer exclusive offers, and give you details of up and coming sales.
Know Yourself
If you know certain styles of garment don’t suit you, don’t buy them – it really is that simple. Just because the online model looks great in the garment in a style that has never suited you, doesn’t mean it miraculously will look amazing when you get it. Stick to clothes you know flatter your shape.
See It In Store If You Need To
For bigger purchases like designer bags, accessories or clothing that cost a lot of money, it is worth going in store to buy them. There are a lot of counterfeit products out there, many of which can be bought online by unsuspecting customers like yourself. It is also important to feel and touch the product before you buy it if it costs a lot of money.
Check when you can expect the garment to get to you and how. Some companies will send items out through regular postal services, others use a courier. If the item is precious, you might want to pay more for special delivery.
When paying with your card on any website make sure you can pay securely. Never give over your money if you are unsure about the site.