What is collagen?
One-third of our body’s protein composition is collagen. It is the primary building block of various organs such as bones, skins, muscles, tendons, ligaments and it helps in keeping our skin, tissue and gut healthy.
How can you increase your collagen intake naturally?
If you want to boost your collagen, consume protein rich food meat, fish, egg whites, gelatin. If you are a vegetarian, eat more of legumes like soybean, edible blue-green algae. To boost the absorption of collagen, add nutrients like bell pepper, broccoli, citrus, red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, oily fishes, etc. in your diet.
But whatever we eat and no more how healthy pure lifestyle is , it is not sufficient for our body, because of quality of our agricultural produce, which is why we should add collagen supplements to our diet. It can be either in the form of powder, pill or liquid.
Things to consider before buying a collagen supplement:
Only Hydrolyzed collagen supplement is effective:
Invented and patented by a Japanese company, hydrolyzed collages enables collagen peptides to enhance college bioavailability and yield better results. Hydrolyzed Collagen with high bioavailability is the only real supplement that will promote healthy hair and skin.
Collagen pill or powder or liquid:
If you are confused between the ways to take collagen supplements, you should know that the most efficacious would be the liquid supplement while both the pill and powder forms are preferred for convenience and taste. What matters when consuming collagen is its bioavailability. As mentioned before hydrolyzed collagen has higher bioavailability. When taken in its liquid form, collagen supplements have a higher absorption rate.
Do not purchase flavored collagen supplements:
Always go for a plain version of collagen supplement, as any flavor can add to the calories and might irritate the GI tract.
Always check third-party lab result:
Since collagen supplements are not regulated, make sure you purchase from manufacturers that can provide you with an unbiased third party lab testing report verifying that the supplement is effective and safe to consume.
Proven benefits of collagen:
Although collagen has always been acclaimed for improving skin elasticity, recent research has proven that hydrolyzed collagen indeed helps in enhancing skin elasticity and oral collagen supplements improve skin hydration effectively.
A plaque build-up clogs the arteries which disrupt the flow of blood to other organs. Collagen prevents arteries from clogging up, reducing cholesterol level and preventing heart attack or stroke.
Increasing collagen intake has been proven to shield the brain from Alzheimer’s disease. Collagen combats the Amyloid-beta, one of the prominent causes of Alzheimer’s disease.
If you have been worried about your skin losing its elasticity or your mane not being as voluminous and radiant as they used to, you should try DHC Supplements. Make sure to cross check all the factors mentioned above before making a purchase. You might find local sellers claiming of manufacturing affordable and effective hydrolyzed collagen. Instead of being duped into buying an inferior product, we would suggest you order DHC Supplement from a credible online store. Their products are made only after proper consultation with the medical experts and per their guidelines. So you don’t have to worry about any side-effects. Order Today!