In the construction industry, there are certain standards set for waterproofing. A construction waterproofed or roofed with the standards in mind makes a real stronghold for a building structure. Proofing a home against moisture keeps water inflow as well as infiltration at bay. For the record, most failed home structures result from moisture. Given the importance of proper waterproofing, it makes sense to have an independent third party inspect a waterproofing job so as to avoid mistakes which may result in callbacks over time. More so, project inspection is not only beneficial to a the project owner, it also comes in handy to constructors, subcontractors, architects or better still, and entire building team.
Waterproofing and other construction errors which for the most part result in severe damages requiring major upgrade and repair are not intentional. Backward installation of windows and windows systems and sidings may result from mistakenly letting one or two things slip through the crack– this is usually the case with large constructions which are not properly inspected. The quality of materials used for such jobs could be first-rated and the best engineers hired. But far as the constructions are not well inspected, a little installation error can result a costly damage.
To have a construction efficiently waterproofed, a strong designed work has to be put in place, first rated materials installed properly. Adding to that, bringing in an on-site inspector to check the job to make certain it is above per. Using the right team for a project carries the weight, but a third party inspection can be a helping to the team in the following ways:
Design assistance: Specification and design support viz-a-viz the waterproofing system suitable a project given the project’s nature and worksite conditions.
Peer review: constructability, competence and specification reviews- also known as system review is performed by waterproofing consultants from an inspection agency in a bid and quest to ensure that nothing slips through the crack.
Quality product offering: Some waterproofing consultants as well as manufacturers offer a wide range of quality materials such as membranes, drainage and PVC products, waterstops and necessary equipment pieces with guarantee and compatibility assurance.
Job-oriented computer-aided-design details: Computer-aided-design details provided by waterproofing consultant helps reduce conundrum at worksites and speeds up the decision making process.
Quality assurance: thorough waterproofing inspection paves the way for achieving the best construction quality. The installation process of waterproofing in the be all and end all is well observed. Reports and statistics of all activities and parties involved in the process and taken for references.
Professionalism: bringing in a waterproofing consultant paves the way for getting waterproofing over with professionally. Under the guidelines of the consultant, materials are properly installed by experts. The consultant also helps secure manufacturer’s warranty.