Private tutoring is more popular today than it has ever been for two very simple reasons – not only are quality standards higher than they have ever been, it is also considerably more affordable than in years gone by. The effect the right tutor can have on a person’s life really is quite spectacular as whether it’s simply a case of improving their grade point average or playing a key role in improving their confidence and self-esteem, today’s growing contingency of hourly tutors in London really are changing lives for the better.
Of course there will always be those who are not quite as won over by the concept of private tuition as others and indeed they have their arguments to back their judgments. Nevertheless, when you objectively weigh the pros and cons of private tuition – especially the kind of tuition used to help school pupils – it’s difficult to deny that what’s being offered really is a universal good.
The Pros of Private Tutoring For Kids
So to examine the positive side of things first, here’s a quick look at just some of the advantages of hiring a professional tutor:
- When you hire a private tutor, they are able to work in accordance with the pace of the child for the benefit of their progress. The simple fact of the matter is that even when children are taught in relatively small classes and groups, they cannot be given the individual attention with regard to their own pace and progress. This is precisely why some children end up bored because things are not moving fast enough while others end up entirely left behind due to the pace of learning being too fast. With private tuition, these problems are eradicated.
- In terms of one-to-one attention, a private tutor is uniquely able to carefully and consistently monitor the child’s learning habits in order to work out their unique learning style and summarily create a teaching program in accordance. When a teacher is charged with the task of teaching 20 children at once for example, they have to adopt something of a one-size-fits-all teaching strategy which will work for some but not for others.
- Along with creating a teaching strategy which is ideally suited to the needs of the child in question, a private tutor can also invest as much time as necessary in identifying any problems and obstacles the child may be facing and creating strategies to overcome them. Such obstacles may be overlooked and thus perpetuate throughout the standard education, until a private educator steps in to assist.
- More often than not, the education provided by way of standard school classes is very much based around a core subject curriculum. Private tutors on the other hand may also teach kids important study skills and various ways and means of learning more efficiently than they otherwise might.
- Now more than ever, private tutors are extraordinarily flexible and accommodating when it comes to existing schedules and available time. As such, regardless of how busy and hectic things already are, chances are any parent will be able to find time to fit in private tuition where necessary.
- Along with convenience, private tuition is also considerably less expensive than it was in years gone by and no longer has to be the kind of thing that can only be realistically considered by those with an abundance of disposable income to play with.
- Last up, a good private tutor can make an incredible difference to a child’s confidence and self-esteem, which cannot fail to assist thier education and development long-term.
The Cons of Private Tutoring for Kids
In terms of the arguments voiced by critics, the following examples tend to be the most common of all:
- While private tutoring is nowhere near as expensive as it used to be, it continues to represent an additional expense that some family simply cannot afford. As such, those with very limited budgets may naturally be at a disadvantage.
- There is also the way in which certain children may feel to some extent stigmatised or embarrassed by the fact that private tutor has been called in to offer assistance when the rest of their friends and classmates do not require such additional help. Nevertheless, all such feelings can be addressed and combated with the assistance of a capable and reputable tutor.
- Last up, some argue that private tuition can have the potential to interfere with a child’s social life and their ability to take part in extracurricular activities, though common sense dictates that at certain times in life, education and personal development come first.
On the whole therefore, it is easy to see that the advantages of private tuition vastly outweigh any arguments voiced by critics – especially when considering that what is on the line is a child’s very education, development and progress.