If you’re in the process of transitioning your place of living, you’re probably well aware of the frustrations and tribulations that come with moving.
If becoming comfortable with the fact that you will be leaving friends and family behind, adjusting to different weather, and possibly having to get a new job weren’t enough, then the grueling, costly venture that is ‘moving day’ certainly will be.
But if you had a choice to make your ‘moving day’ as least stressful as possible, wouldn’t you take? Well, with some thorough thinking and methodical planning, you don’t have to endure a painful moving experience.
And if you’re one of the thousand Americans moving this year, take a look at the following suggestions for a smooth ‘moving day’ transition:
Find a Viable Moving Service
Although a challenging proposition, finding a reputable moving company for when ‘moving day’ rolls around is essential for a smooth transition. Survey the opinions and recommendations of trustworthy sources, such as family members and friends. If moving day is looming, dwindle your choices down to three candidates and explore their credentials even further. Ask to speak with one of their customer service representatives, navigate thru their web page (or social media) and do your best to attain as much information as possible before settling on a decision.
Research and Schedule Home Entertainment Service Providers
If you’re like most homeowners or renters today, than having access to high quality television programming, high-speed Internet and crystal-clear home phone reception are imperative household utilities. So, before you do actually move, research and compare prices and customer testimonials of various home entertainment options, such as these centurylink asheboro nc service provides.
Use a ‘Security Box’ for Essential Materials and Items
It’s very easy to lose track of items during packing. But if you misplace essential items such as birth certificates, passports, diamond jewelry, keys, etc., the process of attaining them back is extremely difficult and time-consuming.
Cancel Membership sand Alert Third-Party Personnel of your Impending Move
If you were a member of a gym, yoga studio or social gathering group, it’s important to alert the proper personnel of your move. Some organizations require you to provide official legal documents that authenticate your move in order to receive a full refund.
Visit your local U.S. Postal Service to officially change addresses; alert your doctor(s) of your situation and ask if he/she has any recommendations of doctors in your area; inform your bank and credit card providers, notify government agencies; go to the DMV to update your driver’s license and registration; visit your local auto mechanic to have your car serviced; say goodbye to friends and neighbors, etc.
Create an Inventory List
Begin packing by keeping all boxes in the same room where items were initially stored, that way you won’t have to frantically rip open boxes as you’re trying to find something. Write down and clearly label all boxes so that you and the movers can easily identify where to put them. Go through your inventory list several times and make sure all items and boxes aren’t left behind.