There are alternatives when we realize that feelings of affection or love are not enough to live together, and that the memory of so many good moments of happiness, projects, desires are transformed into disappointment, dissatisfaction, resentment, blame, devaluations, demands … Today we explain a little more about the counseling.
Marriage Counseling can literally save a relationship. But when it’s time to go? There are certain unmistakable signs that tell you that it is time to consult a specialist to advise and route relationship. Pay attention!
Always End up Fighting Over the Same
In all discussions you end up fighting for the same. There are some old grudges or damaging the relationship and not let prejudices forward and be happy.
Neither you say what you Feel
Maybe your partner reign silence and long faces. They know that things are not right, but neither said anything. Perhaps afraid to face problems.
They no longer have Sex
A couple who has sex marriage counseling should do now. It is not a healthy sign.
They Seem Roommates
More than couples seem peers. Almost they do not speak, do not count anything, do not care much the other and have separate lives.
You think you Already do not Love
You went in crisis have realized that you do not love anymore? It is one of the reasons why they should consult a specialist.
Often you think about deceive
If I think a lot while another man and fool your partner is an option to stomp on your life, it’s time to rethink your situation and find a solution.
Your Children Suffer Fights
They can no longer hide the discussions and to the boys learn. They are distressed and do not understand what happens. Not to blame and should not worry about the problems between big. Best start with marriage counseling, to avoid further damage to their children.
Think Everything would be Fine if he Change
Do you think that all problems would be solved if he finally changed? When you think the root of the problem is the other and you’re perfect it is another sign that should make counseling.
Lost dialogue, improve communication, design new rules of life, provide flexibility, understanding the intimate expectations of the other, promoting change … counseling is a dynamic experience, objectives, and involves the commitment of the two parties. Therefore, one could say that if we are going through a bad time, couples counseling works wonders.