*Workplace shoes play a hugely important role, helping to provide protection against a range of possible hazards whilst still being comfortable, durable and stylish.
There’s a range of different ways in which workplace shoes can provide protection, and there’s some misconceptions too.
Here’s a closer look at 7 unusual facts about workplace shoes.
Some Workplace Shoes are Machine Washable
Our feet are one of the sweatiest parts of the body, producing more than half a litre of sweat every day in normal conditions, let alone during the summer months!
It’s perhaps understandable then that if you’re wearing the same shoes every day you’ll need a way of freshening them up every now and then.
Certain styles which come with a micro fibre upper not only help your feet to breathe more easily, can also be thrown in the washing machine when they need a clean. Handy and convenient, your feet will love the feel of freshly cleaned shoes!
Oil Resistant Shoes Won’t Stop you Slipping
One of the biggest hazards in the workplace is the risk of slipping and a contaminated area of flooring is typically the culprit.
Oil is particularly greasy and treading on a patch could easily precipitate a fall. However, oil resistant footwear won’t provide any protection against trips or falls; you will need slip resistant shoes for this!
Oil resistant footwear instead refers to the fact that the material won’t quickly degrade when exposed to the presence of petroleum and related substances, unlike many rubbers.
Slip Resistant Shoes have a Flat Arch
When the floor is wet, you might be forgiven for thinking that wearing a high-grip shoe combined with as little contact with the ground would be the ideal combination.
Although conventional shoes have a raised arch, leaving just the ball of the foot, toes and heel in contact with the ground, slip resistant shoes have a totally flat design. This increased contact with the floor may increase the likelihood of coming into contact with the contaminant, but also provides better traction in the event of a slip.
A Steel Midsole is Dlexible
In working environments where there is the risk of a penetrative injury to the underneath of the foot, a steel midsole is highly recommended to provide additional protection.
- A Dr. Martens boot showing a steel midsole
You could Claim Tax Relief
If you’re self-employed and looking to complete your accounts, you’ll need to know exactly what items quality for tax relief.
If you have to purchase a uniform you could include this as an expense because it’s an item that can’t be used for another purpose. Shoes don’t usually quality for tax relief because they have a dual use, but the exception is footwear that is clearly work-related.
Workplace shoes which have to be protective, such as with reinforced toes could qualify for tax relief because they aren’t part of an “everyday wardrobe” and required for the purposes of your job.
Heel Absorbers and Energy Efficient Inners can Protect Against Concrete
If you stand on a hard surface all day, such as concrete, the pressure that your feet can be put under is immense.
Shoes featuring a heel absorber
A little known fact is that a hard surface such as concrete can cause foot injuries and back pain, compared to a more yielding type of flooring such as carpet, wood, cork or rubber.
Workplace shoes contain elements which are designed to absorb some of the shock, shielding the feet from the pressure created by standing on a hard surface.
Slip Resistant Shoes could eliminate three Quarters of Workplace Falls
Slips and falls are one of the most common types of workplace injury but many are caused by wet or slippery flooring and inappropriate footwear.
Studies have repeatedly shown that the introduction of the right kind of slip resistant footwear could reduce the incidence of slips in the workplace by as much as 75%.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still pay close attention to the flooring; no shoe is totally slip-proof. But the right shoes will help to prevent any accidents in areas where small spillages have occurred or the surface is wet and hasn’t yet been noticed.
A work shoes supplier will offer a range of different styles suitable for different occupations and working environments. When you’re next looking to buy workplace shoes, consider the above facts and make sure you pick the right shoes to meet your needs.