If you have always wanted to hit the open road to enjoy some long term travel experiences but have been waiting until a time when your finances are ready, then there are some tough facts you may have to face. The first is that your budget may never be large enough to afford you the type of cushion you seek for your trip. Another is that with each passing year you are letting terrific experiences pass you by. But fortunately there is a solution for anyone worried about their budget, and you won’t be alone in taking advantage of it. Each year thousands of travelers load up their RV rentals and take to the open county for much cheaper than you have ever thought possible. Many do it for just a dollar per day, and you can too as long as you follow these simple tips.
Pack Your Food
Nothing eats into a budget like paying for food. This doesn’t just include eating in fancy restaurants, but also things like fast food or stopping in grocery stores along your route. These types of food costs really add up and will definitely not be conducive to your dollar per day base budget. This is why you should stock up on all the food you will need for your trip before hitting the road. Make sure to load up on non-perishable items that you can have for dinners, lunches, and breakfasts, including canned goods. Do some research on budget travel forums to get tips from fellow dollar per day road trippers. Pack plenty of snacks as well which will come in handy on long drives. Keeping yourself well-fed will stop the temptation for visiting dining establishments and buying food on the road and help you to stick to your budget.
Avoid Hotels
The great thing about RV rentals is that you ever have to worry about a place to lay your head. You will have all of the basic amenities you need right there in your vehicle. For this reason you should definitely steer well clear of hotels. Just one night in even the cheapest establishment is going to kill your budget instantly. Always make sure that your RV is comfortable enough for you and your traveling companions. A nice, comfortable vehicle with proper sleeping arrangements will go a long way toward helping avoid hotels since you won’t even be thinking about them since you are happy and comfortable in the safety of your RV.
Free Camping
Nearly all of the major RV parks with great amenities are going to charge a fee for their use. But don’t let this fact discourage you. There are a plethora of free camping opportunities all over the country where you can set up and enjoy an absolutely free overnight experience. Many of these spots are incredibly scenic, and there are travelers who prefer them to the crowded conditions at most RV parks in the peak season. There are many travel forums and blogs for budget travelers, and you can find free camping in nearly every region in the Nation. Sticking to these spots will not only help you keep your dollar per day budget, but they will allow you the opportunity to enjoy the country in a unique and personal manner.
Bring Your Own Entertainment
Since you will be sticking to a budget for your trip, you aren’t going to have the luxury of attending movies or purchasing entertainment supplies along the way. For this reason you should make sure to bring with you enough to stay entertained. Make sure to bring plenty of devices and a hotspot so you can stream videos, listen to music, and browse the net when not driving. Also bring reading material and stock up on board games if traveling with others. Passing the hours on the road will go a lot smoother if you have things to do, and since you will be on a budget you are going to have to bring your entertainment with you.
The same thing goes for equipment and gear. If you have outdoor activities planned, bring along the gear you need since renting will be off the menu. For example, if you plan on hitting the slopes then bring your skis, mask, gloves, and any other equipment you are going to need. It helps to create a gear checklist for each outdoor activity so that you can be absolutely certain you have it covered before you set out on your trip. Just one forgotten item will lead to a rental or purchase that will spell disaster for your budget.
Road trips on a dollar per day is not only do-able but is the preferred method of travel for thousands of budget travelers who get all around the country in their RV rentals without going broke in the process. As long as you follow these tips and plan carefully, you can soon be joining them.