Our world has become increasingly digital. We rarely see handwritten messages, because more and more of our communication takes place over text message, email and direct messaging online. Even our calendars are mostly digital these days. When the internet gained popularity a few decades ago, some people speculated that it would put an end to the postal service entirely.
However, sentiment has won. There is still something really exciting about receiving mail you aren’t expecting from someone you care about. Nothing beats a handwritten card surprising you in the mailbox.
You can add a lot of joy to someone’s day, just by sending them a personal greeting card. Your friends and family probably expect to receive a card from you near Christmas and on their birthday or anniversary, but this year you can send out greeting cards for Halloween.
Take a moment to express what a “treat” it is to know them, and how glad you are to have them in your life to celebrate with. No matter what the occasion is, your friends and family will be so excited to receive mail from you. This is especially true for the very young people in your life!
Whitney Hammond is President of hammond.com and got his start in the greeting card business at the ripe old age of eight, selling holiday cards off the back of Boys’ Life magazine to friends and family. The little tike was hoping to sell enough cards to qualify for the neat prizes featured on the magazine’s back cover.