For a decade, electronic cigarettes, popularly known as E-Cigs, have ruled the world of smoking. It has successfully outwitted the original version of tobacco smoking. It is one of the wonders of modern technology, and is highly beneficial for customary cigarette users. The global sales of this smokeless cigs have grown considerably.
It is a fact that smoking tobacco leads to many health issues. Millions of tobacco users have tried to quit this bad habit, but have failed miserably. E-Cig has proved to be the best alternative to original one, and that too in a healthy way. The smokeless inhalers are the exact replica of the traditional tobacco cigarettes.
How the Wonderful Cig Came Into Market?
E-cig came into existence in the 1960s. Record shows that Herbert A. Gilbert developed a smoking electronic device. As an ardent user of cigarettes, he was well aware of the hazards of smoking tobacco. The society did not accept his invention and conventional cigarettes and cigars continued to be more popular. At that time, smoking cigarette was not prohibited in common places. People were less aware of health issues triggered, due to cigarette smoking.
Things started changing in 2003, when Han Lik, a Chinese pharmacist thought of designing a cigarette, which would give the pleasure of smoking without causing any harm to the user’s health. He got this idea because he had watched his father die, due to lung cancer caused by excessive smoking. He invented an e-cig, which gave the effect of inhaling nicotine but eliminating the harmful chemical compound associated with tobacco in the original cigarettes.
The company where Han Lik worked fully financed his invention and later manufactured the electronic cigarette in the name of ‘Ruyan.’ Ruyan sold like hot cakes in the Chinese market. Soon e-cigs plus features got distinguished and it became the most marketable product in eastern market.
In the year 2007, it first emerged in the American market. It is said that World Health Organization (WHO), which is one of the international health organization pronounced it as a health hazard and tried to ban it from market. This paved a way to research about the pros and cons of e-cigs. In this test e-cig was claimed a winner because its advantages were more, while in use. It proved to be thousand times safer than conventional tobacco cigarettes.
Valuable Features of the Amazing e-cig:
- You don’t have to carry a match box or lighter. It doesn’t have to be lighted because it is flameless.
- There is no flame, thus less chances of catching fire or experience health issues, due to smoke. You can use them anywhere, even in no smoke zone. Thus, it is totally environmental friendly device.
- No bad smell of smoke will cling to your clothes, fingers and the surrounding area.
- Burning of tobacco doesn’t take place. Hence, no issues of polluting the air with carbon monoxide or any odor. You just get to inhale flavored nicotine vapor.
- No smoke, thus safe from getting emphysema caused by inhaling second-hand smoke. You are able to breathe easier because there is no chance of smoke clogging in your lungs.
- It is cost effective. The price of traditional cigarettes is continuously rising as government has increased the percentage of taxes on its sale. The cost of e-cigs is quite reasonable, once you have bought its accessories, you can save a lot of money. It is a proved fact that single cartridge strength is equal to ten packs of tobacco filled cigarettes.
- The cig taste is flavored by fruit essence and nicotine. There is no other chemical compound that can harm your health. Your mouth will not taste like ash after enjoying the inhalation of nicotine through this electronic tool. There is no after taste of tobacco to endure.
- No stains on your teeth due to smoking of e cig unlike the usage of traditional cig.
- You can control the proportion of nicotine level in your e-cig. Users mainly take the ratio of nicotine equal to original cig. Youngsters or new e-cig user’s likes to keep the level low. Some of them are happy using e-liquid cartridge with no nicotine.
The parts of the E cig are totally mechanical. Some kind of electronic cigs may look like the original one and few advanced e cigs is available in different shapes and size.
The Components of the Electronic Cigarette:
- Battery: It is the vital part of E cig. When user press the button present on surface of the cig, sensor in the battery automatically gets activated
- LED light: It is present on one end. The flash light indicates that it is time to recharge
- Cartridges: It is known as Carts. They are available in disposable and refill forms. One end of the cartridges is connected with battery. The other end is attached to the silicon mouthpiece that is used for inhaling the flavored nicotine vapors
- Atomizer: This is where the nicotine liquid gets heated to form vapors. When the battery gets operated, it activates the atomizer in which the liquid filled cartridge is present. Most of the time both atomizer and cartridge is disposed and a new one is attached. This action helps in maintaining the concentration level of vapors.
- E – Liquid: The flavored solution filled in cartridges is known as e-liquid. It contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, fruit juice and nicotine.
There are other accessories, which makes using of electronic cigs more convenient. These tools have contributed a lot to risen the popularity of e cigs.
The Other Optional Parts are:
- USB charger: It is used to charge your battery from any power source. The best part is, it can be carried anywhere.
- Vehicle adapter: This device is more popular because it helps to charge your e-cigs battery, while driving vehicles.
There are many popular brands of electronic cigs like NuCig available in market. They are reliable and easy to use. To know more about these wonderful cigarettes, you can log on their websites and read the valuable info about e-cigs.