Just as in an online jewelry store, it is the footfall of the customers which ensure sales; an online website like pearlsonly.com too needs to ensure web traffic. One of the best ways to do it is to have a giveaway or a contest. Everyone loves to receive free stuff and for any website which is looking to launch sales efforts with a view to building a trusting brand, this process can reap excellent rewards.
Some points which need to be kept in mind for this strategy to become a success are:
- Advertising
Websites using paid advertisements have been proven to gain more entrants than those who don’t. There is a big advantage for getting more entrants in an online contest organized by a nascent jewelry website. It helps to build up a database which can then be used to send emails with offers and promos.
- Runner-up prize
While the winner wins all the good things advertised on the contest webpage, there can only be 1 winner. This can dampen the spirits of the entrants. But the presence of a few runner-up prizes increases the chances of winning for the entrants and this means more people register for the contest thereby making it a success.
- Run the contest on the website
While some new jewelry websites run contests on social media sites, it is always better to run the contest on one’s own website. There are several advantages associated with these like:
- Entrants can be retargeted with jewelry products from the online web store,
- Web traffic gets directed to the website and there is thus better engagement with them etc.
- Good PR
This will help to make the contest go viral. This is of great help to jewelry store websites since it not only gets then new followers but also enables them to increase their reach without having to invest additional money.
- Create urgency
A countdown timer helps to add urgency to the contest but the timer has to be of very short duration and added only towards the end of the contest period.
The process is simple yet the results are enormous for valuable inbound links get formed many of which have the potential to get converted into potential customers both for new jewelry online stores and existing ones like PearlsOnly.