Ever feel anxious around your significant other? Check out these 20 confidence boosters.
There are many ways to feel more confident about your relationship, but here are 20 to get your started. Take the reins or the bull by the horns (or whatever else comes to mind), and start feeling more confident.
1. Don’t snoop unless you really have good reason not to trust him.
Emails and voicemails taken out of context can cause a lot of unnecessary heartache.
2. Give him a little friendly competition.
It doesn’t hurt for him to know that your tall, built, wildly successful artist friend from college periodically tells you you’re the one who got away and that it’s the biggest regret of his life.
3. Skip the games and be up front.
If something’s bothering you, tell him directly. Guys don’t know what to make of it, and it shakes them up and gives you the upper hand.
4. Be confident in yourself.
Finish your degree, apply for the better job, or write that novel. If you have a good sense of your own self-worth, you’ll be confident in your relationship.
5. Set some ground rules at the beginning.
If you both agree that Friday is the night for hanging out with your friends separately, it won’t be a conflict when he wants to play poker or you want to take a short road trip with some girlfriends.
6. Don’t let the relationship progress too far without discussing major issues.
Having children, religious differences, whether either of you is willing to relocate for a job — these can be landmines in the future.
7. Exercise often.