Social media can be both good and bad for business. As you probably know, people who are unhappy will tell more people about their experience than people who are happy. Social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, have made it possible for unhappy customers to immediately share their experience from their smartphone. In other words, customers can make posts when the experience is fresh on their minds, which can be dangerous for restaurants.
Social Media Offers Instant Reviews
There was a time when people would have to go online, look for somewhere to share reviews, log-in, etc. etc. It was so time-consuming that most people didn’t deal with it unless there was a serious problem with the restaurant they visited. Those days are long gone. Customers can now pop onto Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, TripAdvisor and a host of other sites and leave their review in a matter of minutes. In many cases, they can make the review straight from their smartphone.
Reviews Are Easy to Post
Posting a review on Facebook and Twitter is incredibly easy. Not only can the customer easily leave a review on their own timeline, but they can visit your Facebook page and leave a review as well. Anyone that knows how to use the internet can quickly and easily leave a review about your restaurant.
Posts Can Easily Be Shared
Not only are reviews easy to post, but friends can easily share the review with others. Soon, one negative review could be seen by hundreds, maybe thousands, of people living in the surrounding area. If the review is about something dangerous or a major health concern, the news might even pick up on the review and things could really go downhill from there.
Every Part of the Experience Matters
Don’t for a second believe that food is the only issue. Some people will look to see this and more, including facilities, decor, and even uniforms. Customers will make reviews about every part of your business, especially bathrooms. There are even apps out there that allow people to rate restrooms on cleanliness. Customers believe that a nasty bathroom equates to a nasty kitchen and will be more than happy to spread the word about your nasty restaurant in a review.
Social media can be a restaurant owner’s best friend or his worst enemy. Now that most people have access to at least one social network, a negative review can spread like wildfire. Even pictures can go viral in a matter of minutes. Don’t believe it? Think back to the Taco Bell employ licking the taco shells. That photo spread fast and gave Taco Bell very bad publicity. Don’t let that happen to your restaurant.