There’s a popular expression you must have all heard- “You can judge a man by his shoes!” Well, guess what? A watch is just as fitting as a shoe. However, when it comes to shoes the endeavor is quite simple! Find the perfect fit and all goes well!
Sadly, the world of watches isn’t as easy as that! Watches feature a multitude of styles and sometimes come with complex mechanisms that increase the chance of errors. For example, you might have recently bought a timepiece with a watch holder personalized, and think that it’s a perfect fit for your accessory.
Sadly, the case holder might not even fit your accessory. This is why it is better to be aware of the minefield of errors that can happen when owing or buying a watch.
Read on,
Mistake 1: Do not go by One-Size-Fits-All
No two watches are for everyday events. This is why it is important to consider which watch would fit which occasion. For example, you won’t wear a baseball watch to a formal event, right? This is why for formal events go for a dress watch, wear sports watch to the gym, and a casual watch for everyday attire.
Now, when it comes to buying a watch it is best to understand the types of watches. To buy a dress watch for formal and office events pick one that looks classy. These will generally have classic styles, bold accents and leather straps.
A slightly informal watch would feature fabric or distressed leather, and a sports watch generally comes with rubber straps and chronographs.
One thing to follow is apart from styles, opt for picking the right watch for your wrist size. Look for blogs with watch buying tips to know more.
Mistake 2: Buying the Wrong Watch Case
Watches are delicate and if these aren’t maintained properly chances are your watch will lose its appeal. Why? Watches can get affected if in contact with a moist environment, dust and debris. Not to mention, these costly accessories can be damaged by external factors like accidents too. This is why you must have a watch holder personalized for your timepiece.
Now, one common mistake most people make is they pick the wrong watch holder. To pick the right one it is vital to consider watch dimension. If you’re buying a watch between 38-42 mm go for buying either a small or a medium-sized holder. For a bigger dimension, go for a larger case.
Mistake 3: Know the Audience
Let’s face it people like showing off! However, showing off to the wrong kind of people makes one a snob. So, if you have a luxury watch know where to flaunt it best. For example, at a socialite party, you can flaunt a diamond-encrusted tourbillon. However, when you’re at work or travelling flaunting a costly watch is ‘meh’.
So, now that you know of the 3 mistakes to avoid with your watch, ensure to buy, flaunt and maintain your signature watch with ease. A timepiece like no other, remember the way you carry your watch tells a lot about your personality, thus, be confident, stylish and humble!