Everyone loves ice cream. The exquisite and creamy taste plus the many flavors that just explode in your mouth, temporarily transporting you to “food heaven” makes it seem virtually irresistible. The decadent delight is highly consumed in most parts of the world, and most especially here the U.S.
According to the reports from renowned Professor of Agricultural Economics, Brian Gould, in 2006 alone, the average American consumed about 14 pounds of ice cream. Unfortunately, the excessive consumption can be associated with a number of health-related problems prevalent in the world today.
To some extent, people who indulge their ice cream cravings do not always know how it impacts their health. This article is meant to show you the risks involved in the frequent consumption of ice cream. Hopefully, you will learn a few things and reduce the rate at which you gobble it up.
Ice Cream Increases Your Blood Cholesterol Levels
As you already know, too much of anything can be bad. This also goes for the excessive consumption of ice cream. When you consistently ingest the fats and sugars in ice creams, you expose your body to the danger of increasing your blood cholesterol levels, which further increase your chances of heart disease.
Your body already produces about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day on its own. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans in years past, you shouldn’t consume more than 300 mg of additional cholesterol each day in order to avoid an increase in your blood cholesterol levels.
Increased Risk of Diabetes
Truth be told, ice creams are a delight. But they contain excess sugar. And as you know, excess sugar, will have a negative impact on your blood-glucose levels.
High blood sugar levels for extended periods of time will force the pancreas to overwork itself, producing insulin to convert into fat as much of it as possible. Unfortunately, overworking the pancreas for extended periods results in reduced performance.
This means less insulin, and if your body isn’t getting enough insulin, you’ll need to get it from somewhere else. Bottom line, the result is diabetes. So the individual will need to take insulin shots to help the body process more of the sugars into fats.
More Fats…More Saturated Fats
Ice cream, like all dairy products, is high in fats. Please note that we’re not saying fats are entirely bad. After all, some of our bodily processes are dependent on having healthy fats. When reconverted, it is also a good source of energy and also does the job of protecting key organs in the body.
However, some fats, saturated fats precisely, are linked to excess weight gain. Being overweight increases your risk of serious health problems like Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, as well as coronary heart disease. Unfortunately, ice cream contains a high level of saturated fats.
What we’ll suggest is something equally tasty, but far more healthy -yogurts. Yogurts are typically low in fat, sugars and calorie, as well as cholesterol free. Check out mymochi.biz to get an idea of the sorts of flavors and toppings. It’s a tasty and healthy alternative to ice creams, and you can find a location near you on their website. Studies shows that frozen yogurt helps boost the immune system, restore and maintain a healthy digestive system and is an excellent source of calcium. Make the switch!
Oscar King is a freelance writer and family man who provides articles and insights into issues affecting small business owners and life in the home.