In this day and age online, we must all backup externally, and by this I mean backing up to an online storage facility. The reasons many businesses are using these types of facilities is because there has been a lot of data theft and data losses throughout the recent years, here is a few of them.
The NHS Data Loss
This year in July 2013 the NHS (National Health Service) were fined £200,000 after thousands of children’s records were lost, around 3,000 patients. This was due to the NHS selling their second-hand computers on the popular Ebay auction website. Three more computers were also auctioned, data was found on all computers after a data destruction company failed to wipe the hard drives.
The NHS DVD Loss
The NHS DVD loss was back in 2011 and was one of the biggest data losses they took. During an office move back in 2011 a DVD containing 1.6 million records from patients was sent to a landfill, it was reported. The DVD was sent to the landfill due to mis-communication to the project manager who was instructing the office move, therefore sending the filing cabinet containing the DVD to the landfill.
Even The Police Themselves!
The Greater Manchester Police was fined a penalty of £120,000 after a memory stick, with no password, was stolen from a police officer’s home. The records on the memory stick contained information on police operation, interviews with informants and information on drug offenders.
Backing Up Externally
All of these cases above would’ve easily been avoidable by using the services of a backup provider. This means businesses are able to back up right from their office and keep all of their personal and financial data safe and secure. Backing up externally has many security features which could have seen the cases above avoided, such as:
- Able to send files right from your office
- Kept very secure in key coded rack mounts
- Secured by CCTV 24 hours a day
- Monitored around the clock
- Key card access on the doors within the warehouse
These simple actions could have saved their data from being lost and stolen, it also meant that their patient data and criminal data would’ve been safe!
Bio: Tim Pat Dufficy is the managing director and founder of Server Space Limited, Since 2006, its services have allowed IT managers to sleep at night knowing their data is located in a secure, custom-built data centre with 24/7 monitoring.