Why Does Everyone Want To Stay At Home This Winter?
Winter has a different effect on everyone. Some people cannot wait to get outside and enjoy the cold weather and snow. Others do not want to step a foot outside their home until the snow melts. However, recently it seems that more and more people want to spend their winter days in the home. Travel has even decreased slightly and more businesses like restaurants and gyms are reporting lower numbers during the colder months.
So what exactly is causing everyone to barricade themselves inside their homes and start hibernating for the winter? There are a lot of reasons that people choose to stay at home during the winter months. Some of these reasons have actual concerns for health or safety backing them, others are just personal preference, but all of them are causing people to lean towards staying in rather than going out during the winter. Here are some of the reasons why everyone wants to stay at home this winter.
The Days are Shorter
There is less daylight during the winter days. This makes many people more tired and less excited to go out at the end of the day. Often times, people are going to and come home from work all when it is dark outside. These conditions make spending time outside the home less appealing.
The Fear of getting Sick
It is true that more people suffer from illnesses during the winter months. Many people want to avoid getting sick, so they stay at home as much as possible in order to avoid contact with others. However, in order to stay healthy in the winter people also need to maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids in order to stay hydrated.
The Fear of Car Trouble
Driving conditions are much worse in the winter months. Additionally, winter weather can be quite harsh on a car and cause issues that would not happen in the warmer months of the year. To avoid sliding into another car or being stranded on the side of the road, many people just drive less in the winter to reduce their risk of car troubles.
There are Great at-home Alternatives to Going Out
With new advances in technology, there are a lot of great and easily accessible options for entertainment that people can enjoy at home. These options make it more enticing to stay at home than to go out to get a similar form of entertainment. For example, many people would rather watch a movie with Cable Vision than go out to a movie theater in the winter.
Family Time is Better at Home
Many people feel that they get to see their families less in the wintertime. Many families have children who go back to school in the fall and many parents put in extra hours during the winter months to save up their vacation time for summer. For this reason, many families prefer to stay home during winter nights to catch up and spend quality time with each other.