
Why Cloud UC (Unified Communications) Is an Eco-Friendly Solution for Businesses

Cloud UC (Unified Communications)

There are more and more individuals and companies looking for eco-friendly devices, services, and products today and is why Cloud UC (Unified Communications) is a popular choice in the telecom industry.  Since audio and web conferencing in virtual meeting rooms has replaced actually having to physically attend a meeting, the benefits of cutting travel expenses such as parking costs, gas, airport transportation, meals, and accommodations, not to mention the time involved is wonderful, but there are other benefits as well.  By not using all that’s necessary to actually physically attend meetings, the carbon footprint for your business is reduced.

The Cloud UC vendor of your choice provides either a fully hosted or partially hosted environment.  It’s up to your company’s needs.  By utilizing Cloud UC (Unified Communications) not only is your business getting the leverage it needs for creating and designing the solutions that best fit your company’s needs but it’s also reducing your business’s carbon footprint.  Now, how does Cloud UC (Unified Communications) help improve the overall environment, well, by some of the following:

1.    Cloud UC solutions enable a company to use less hardware.  Cloud solutions enables more, in a virtual environment, through the internet with storage and applications, reducing the need for on premise servers.  Although the call for servers isn’t completely eliminated since they’re used in the cloud, the individual server numbers are cut back.  This means that the energy and pollutants that come from having servers, like producing, packaging, and delivering the server, along with the energy necessary to run the server is reduced.

2.    There is less energy used when a business moves their server to the Cloud.  When a business has a large server room, it takes a lot of cooling which emits greenhouse gas.  The cooling costs are cut, as well as, the greenhouse gas that gets emitted from the cooling system is also reduced.  This means less energy costs for the company along with the pollutants, creating an eco-friendlier environment.

By employing a Cloud UC (Unified Communications) vendor, your company has the ability to move forward in the eco-friendly telecom industry.  You can help create a positive impact on the environment, as well as, boost your company’s productivity.  You’ll also be cutting costs in various areas of the business through energy savings and travel expenses.  Most businesses would jump at the chance to reduce their business’s cost and yet still improve their productivity while doing so.

There are a variety of vendors that can help improve your business’s impact on the environment.  When looking for just the right company that provides Cloud UC (Unified Communications) and other services, one should do a little comparison shopping.  The internet makes it fairly easy to find a vendor that will fit your business’s needs.  Don’t forget to compare costs, services, and credential of a few vendors before making your choice, after all you want to get the best services for the right price.

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