
What Are The Signs Of Leaky Basement

You have done lots of efforts to keep your basement well-maintained and dry. But, suddenly you find your basement have become pool of water and get confused, how did this occur. Well, you can guess so many things against leaky basement, still you fail to detect the exact problem and sign of leaky basement. That’s where this article can bring you some needful information for you to have an initial solution.

Here are some of signs that will be helpful in detecting the leaky basement.


Mold is the first thing that can be detected when you you examine your basement and that is very common to occur. A mold is the result of moisturised atmosphere around the basement and bring mushy smells too. A mold not only looks ugly but also bring so many health hazard. This can be dangerous especially when you stay with your family. If you notice such mold, it is advisable to have immediate  Leaky Basement repair  by a team of experts.

Tie Holes

Tie holes are those holes that are formed during concrete foundation including wood and steel rods. Once, the foundation is done, the woods and steel rods are removed and filling the holes with cementitious based products. It is important to patch those holes properly, if not treated well and patched properly, it can be the serious issue and can be the weak spot in the concrete wall that ultimately prone to leaky basement.

Water Stains

A leaky basement can leave water stains and patches on the walls of your house. You can notice these stains around your kitchen, bathroom and even bedroom. The stains are not only looks ugly but also leaves a bad impression amongst your guests and friends. If you are noticing such daunting signs, treat them immediately to give your house a luxurious look.


Honeycombing is the process to identify rough and pitted concrete surface that can be occurred due to improper filling of the concrete against the formwork. You will need honeycombing when you probably didn’t use right type of material while surfacing the floor. Honeycombing your house means, your basement can emerge with some serious issues such as crack and uneven flooring that can easily penetrate water on the basement.

No matter how often you look after your basement or have a regular inspection, it can be leaky if the initial foundation is not done properly. However, the above-mentioned signs will be helpful in detecting leaky basement.

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