
Tips For Travelling Alone

Traveling alone is one of the most daunting things people go through. However, travelling by yourself can be a great way to experience other cultures, if you follow some simple advice.

Learn To Be Comfortable Alone

Try to learn to become comfortable in your own presence. Do not worry about what other people will think if they see you alone. Instead, calm yourself down and simply enjoy the view. Indulge in sightseeing and shopping to make yourself comfortable.


Be open to new experiences. Never shy away from doing something that can become a great story to tell over the dinner table. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and try new cultures, cuisines and clothes. Chances are you will regret it if your own fear stops you from trying something novel.

Meet New People

Do not hesitate to meet new people. If you come across a friendly stranger, greet them cordially. Strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the bus. Do not be afraid to ask for directions and advice. A culture is primarily made up of its people and their actions. If you want to experience a culture, experience its people first.


The more you smile, the more people will want to get to know you, making your experience memorable. A smile has no language barrier; it is the universal symbol for greetings.

Get To Know the Locals

Making friends with the locals is a great way to stay in touch with the activities and happenings around the place. The locals can also help you avoid common tourist traps and rip-offs. They can also give you recommendations about the best holiday hotels or apartments for rent.


Pub-crawls are like tours, except, instead of visiting landmarks, you will be visiting pubs and clubs for drinks. Pub-crawls typically operate in a group of 15-20 people with one local guide who knows the trending party scene. The guide will take you to visit all the hotshot pubs so that you can have an amazing time and make new friends.

Tours and excursions

Tours and excursions are a great way to meet interesting people while enjoying the fantastic landmarks of the city. Register for some of the free tours offered in the city and chat up with strangers. Chances are you will find some traveler with whom you will find something in common.

Couch Surfing

Couch surfing is a community on the web that offers free accommodation to travelers. Availing this free service is a great way to meet new people while simultaneously saving money for other activities. The hosts are often open-minded people who will give you free meals and show you around the city.

Hang Out at a Hostel

Hostels are often hidden party spots and a great way to meet travelers like yourself. Many hostels have hangout areas and bars with free access to everyone.

Take courses

Taking cooking courses is a way to experience the local culture and take it back home with you. However, only take these courses if you are going to stay in that place for a longer duration.

Thomas McEwan is a frequent traveler who often stays at Edinburgh Pearl Apartments. He suggests the same to everyone who is looking for a stay which is a home away from home.

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