
Things You Should Know About Being A College Freshman

Before you applied to college, you were aware of the change you were about to make. This is a whole new stage of your life. You’ll be expected to be more responsible and handle all tasks without complaints. Here is a surprise: it’s even more challenging than you thought it would be.

In the continuation, you’ll read about few things you should know on your freshman college year. Hopefully, the hints will help you prepare well for this change.

  1. You won’t have time for everything!

You’ll start the first year at college with an important realization: your time management skills need a serious upgrade. You constantly have to juggle between classes, clubs, parties, and social events. When the time for exams comes, you won’t know how to handle the pressure.

Here is the best piece of advice anyone could give you: relax! You are not the only student facing a chaotic start at college. You need to make monthly and daily plans, and start working on all projects as early as possible. When you note the goals you need to achieve within a month, separate them into weekly and daily schedules! Now, you’ll understand that there is time for everything when you have a proper plan!

  1. You’ll miss your home and your high-school friends

As most other college freshmen, you were really enthusiastic about campus life. You thought you would meet tons of friends, so you didn’t worry too much about being away from your family and high-school friends. After all, Skype and social media networks always keep you connected, right?

As it turns out, everyone ends up being nostalgic sooner or later. There is only one way to deal with this situation: don’t fight it. Don’t try to convince yourself that you’re being silly. It’s okay to miss your old life, so try to maintain the connections.

  1. Maintaining a long-distance relationship sucks!

Your big high-school love will be challenged in ways you never imagined. Social media, chats and calls cannot replace actual contact. If you really want to keep this relationship alive, you’ll have to find a way to see each other from time to time.

  1. You’ll probably need to hire professional writers

Almost every student gets stuck with academic writing projects. It’s not only about time. College professors have high standards that freshmen are still unable to meet. Luckily, essay writing sites can help you surpass the difficulties and establish yourself as one of the most successful students in class. Be careful; not all of these companies deliver genuine work. Ask for recommendations, read online reviews and hire the best paper writing service top rated on Top10Writers or other trustworthy review site when you need assistance.

  1. Your social skills will be put to the test

Are you a nice person who loves hanging out with new people? Maybe you are socially anxious, so you want to make few friends and stay close to that group until you get the degree? Whatever the case is, you’ll realize that fitting into a new environment is harder than you anticipated. You won’t like everyone you meet.

Some students are just weird, so you’ll have to adjust your communication skills according to the situation. Try not to have fights; spread the love and cool people will be attracted by your vibe. When you have the right friends around you, every problem will come to a solution.

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