
The Quickest Ways To Obtain An E2 Visa

Wanting to invest in a business within the United States while living in a different country is difficult, as you cannot be there in person to assist with management and other details of the company. That is why the U.S. offers the E2 visa for individuals who wish to work in the country for the business they invest in. Here are the quickest ways to obtain an E2 Visa by quickly fulfilling its requirements.

E2 Visa Requirements

Since it is a big deal to obtain an E2 visa, there are an abundance of requirements that must be satisfied in order to acquire one. To begin with, the most important qualification that you must have is to be a legal citizen of one of the countries that the U.S. has a treaty with. It is not enough to have permanent residency for one of the treaty countries. In addition, in order to qualify as an investor, the amount of money that was invested must be a substantial amount, with the possible amount being at least $100,000.  As an investor, you must have control of the funds and be at risk to lose your money if the business was to fail. If you were not to be at risk, then you do not fall under the E2 visa’s definition of an investor. Furthermore, the investment must be a true enterprise and the investor must be coming to the country in order to develop it. To be categorized as a project or business, they must be providing a palpable good or service. Examples of such goods or services are retail stores and restaurants. An E2 visa will only be provided to investors who find it necessary to come to the country in order to develop their project. The individual must play an important and impactful role in the growth of the enterprise. If the government does not deem you to be a qualified worker, it is extremely challenging to obtain one.

Ways To Get An E2 Visa Faster

While it is difficult to fulfill the E2 visa requirements, it is not impossible to speed up the process. You cannot change whether or not you are a legal citizen of a treaty country or the amount of money you invest into an enterprise within the United States, you can make it easier to provide documentation that showcases the amount you invested. The simplest way to prove the cost of the investment is by creating a business plan that includes business bank statements, financial accounting documents, and any other papers that confirm how much money you spent on the company. If you are purchasing a company that is already existent, become informed on what the funds are being spent on and how successful the company is projected to be, which can then be written into the business plan. An individual wishing to come into the country to work for the enterprise must also showcase their significance to the development of the project. One can showcase their importance by proving ownership of a majority of the company or by having a position that displays control over the company.

How An Immigration Lawyer Can Help

The best possible way to decrease how long it takes to accomplish E2 visa requirements is by hiring an immigration attorney.  By obtaining a lawyer, they will be able to assist you in receiving your visa and inform you of what application processes you must complete. As well, they will be able to tell you if the E2 visa is the best visa for your situation or if there is a different visa that would work better for you.

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