If you talk about one of the most promising natural chemicals which has been able to act both as a cure and precautionary measure then the name of hemp oil comes first in everyone’s mind. Thee hemp oil is very different from the well-known cannabis product THC because hemp oil doesn’t give the feeling of high. THC basically increases appetite and helps in fighting seizures while hemp oil is used for treating various types of ailments.
But nothing is perfect in the world and that’s why even the miraculous hemp oil also has its negative and positive effects. So, let’s go through the pros and cons of hemp oil while understanding its functional remedies in order to getter a better idea about it.
Pros of hemp oil
No psychoactive properties
As discussed earlier, hemp oil doesn’t have any psychoactive effect which is generally related to most of the products of cannabis. After using hemp oil, you won’t feel dizzy, slow or disoriented and even your appetite won’t increase. If you will use hemp in a balanced amount then you won’t have any side effects which are very much normal in other products of cannabis.
The best remedy for anxiety
On one side THC causes anxiety while on the other side the hemp oil has been found to be a natural remedy for the same. According to many research, it has been found that hemp oil can be used to treat various types of anxiety disorder including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
Organic hemp oil can treat pain
There are much emerging research which has proved that organic hemp oil can treat severe pain without any side effects. There are different types of pain which can be easily treated with the help of organic hemp oil like pain related to migraine, headache, fibromyalgia, etc.
Cons of hemp oil
Lack of THC
While the same thing has been listed as pros of hemp oil, the same thing acts as a con for many people because THC has its own medical benefits which can’t be delivered by the hemp oil alone. Since hemp oil doesn’t increase appetite that’s why it is not useful for those people who are looking to put on some weight. Along with that, hemp oil cant’ be used for treating seizure as well.
Works differently for everyone
Hemp oil may be used for treating various ailments but it is still considered as an emerging medicine which acts by interacting with the body’s unique chemical makeup. Because of such feature of the hemp oil, different people will need a different dose of the hemp oil and there is no ideal amount of hemp oil set for any particular type of person. Therefore, when starting with the hemp oil, you have to go with the trial and error method until you are able to find the right amount of dose.
The pros and cons of hemp oil will help you to understand the miraculous organic remedy in a better way and you will be able to decide whether it is useful for your condition or not.