The Best Ways To Organize Your Startup Office

Nothing gets in the way of a good business venture like clutter and chaos. Even the most successful offices need to be organized, but this is particularly true for startup companies. Although the startup mentality can range from nonconformist to something bordering on anarchy, the startup office should still operate as efficiently as possible. Here are some suggestions to organize your startup office.

Stacked Storage Is Everything

Your startup business is probably big on ideas, but short on actual office space. If you want to keep your office organized, make sure that you have enough folders, bookcases, filing cabinets, and essentially anything that can be used for storage. And when organizing, think up, not sideways. You will be able to spread out once your business gets out of the red. For now, avoid wasting space, including the space above your head.

Go Paperless

Smartphones, tablets, and light laptops have rendered paper obsolete. Everyone says they want to go paperless, but few offices really commit. Save space and clutter by banning all printers from your office. Bulky, heavy printers eat up precious real estate and their absence means your filing cabinets will be used for only the most precious documents.

Invest in IT

Even if your office is paperless, you’re going to find yourself buried under virtual stacks of Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, email, and high-resolution images. Someone will need to know how to expertly organize your data digitally. This is where information technology comes in to play. Invest in IT so you don’t lose your electronic mind.

Don’t Be Afraid to Purge

When your startup office isn’t so much a startup anymore, you will be faced with the decision to either expand your space or better utilize the space you have. One way to achieve the latter is by actively purging your office of the things you no longer want or need. Recycle old, weighty computers and replace them with lightweight laptops. Get rid of that lounge chair by the reception desk that nobody uses. Replace outdated wall decorations with utilitarian calendars, bulletin boards, and shelves. Purging can be useful, refreshing, and fun.

Organizing your startup office is one of the very first essential steps you will take as a business owner. A confusing and disorganized office will make your task of achieving success that much more difficult. Get organized first and then stay organized throughout the life of your business.

Informational Credit to Quantum Storage

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