
Staying Ahead of the Curve: High Performance Computing Cloud

High Performance Cloud Computing 
Cloud computing is no longer simply a buzzword, nor is it just a strategic enabler of the rich and famous corporations in the world. The consumerisation of society has changed the entire online marketplace. The cloud has now become an integral part of every business’s immediate and future IT needs.
However, even though most business leaders and owners are becoming increasingly comfortable with the idea of moving to the cloud, the thought still causes consternation across a wide range of businesses because of fears surrounding loss of ownership and lack of security. Some for example, worry that they won’t be able to maintain control of their in-house data structures; others are paranoid of fines or being the victim of cyber-crime induced by a lack of resilience. In truth, high performance computing (HPC) cloud solutions are transforming operational efficiencies of entire organisations – they are flexible, reliable and extremely secure.
A customisable HPC solution is exactly what todays IT needs when dealing with a whole host of business process and technology enablement issues. I say this from personal experience having rolled out IT projects over the past decade for major corporations such as Barclays Bank, Cap Gemini and the NHS. In the recent past even these establishments feared the capabilities of technology, rather than embracing it as a potential enabler of their entire business. Case in point the major scepticism that until recently prevented so many businesses from moving to the cloud. To all intents and purposes their concerns outweighed the perceived benefits – from security and access to spiralling deployment costs and unease about empowering 3rd party vendors to manage sensitive data, processes and service availability.
Ahead of the Curve 
These issues are a thing of the past. To stay ahead of competition, organisations must embrace technology in the cloud or face being left behind as others build innovative business strategies ahead of them. As a result they become quicker to respond, more flexible in delivery, more reliable in service and ultimately more attentive to customers and staffing needs.
They stay ahead of the curve at every stage of customer awareness and in every phase of operational workflow because they operate an HPC cloud solution that…
1) Promotes anywhere, anytime working. Simplifying processes and empowering all stakeholders.
2) Integrates cloud services for collaboration and real-time decision making based on quality information analytics.
3) Monitors and supports a truly exceptional user experience. Getting the most out of systems, and the people who use them.
4) Secures every layer of IT to maximise TCO whilst maintaining high performance integrity of networked services.
When searching for a technology stack that will service your business in the future, look no further than an HPC solution in the cloud. Without one your business will struggle to keep up with competitors that are more in tune with industry trends because of the advanced cloud computing platforms they operate. As data demands evolve in an era of information overload, HPC can prevent you from becoming submerged at a time when so many will try and fail to stay afloat with an outdated IT infrastructure they manage in-house.

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