
Reasons to Outsource Facilities Management at your Premises

Nowadays, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. From the constant emails, the endless meetings, and that ever-growing to-do list, being a busy professional does not come without its challenges. And when you’re running a business, you also need to think about things like security, cleaning, office design, and equipment maintenance. That’s why more and more businesses are turning to UK facilities management companies to give them a helping hand – below, we’ve rounded up some of the biggest reasons to make the switch.

Focus on your Business: As you grow your business, support services will need to grow to work alongside you. It can be costly and time-consuming to find a new cleaner, a new security guard, and so on, but when you work with a facilities management firm, they’ll scale as you scale. This not only allows you to grow your business at a pace that suits you but removes the unnecessary administration and human resources responsibilities, ultimately cutting costs and workloads.

Makes you more Efficient: Another reason to consider outsourcing support services is to take advantage of economies of scale. Rather than hiring a full-time cleaner and investing thousands of pounds into the machinery and equipment that they’ll need, you can rely on a service provider to handle the whole process for you. The same goes for security, office design, and hard facilities management, specifically relating to shop refits, office redesigns, and other intense work.

Operational Control: As your business grows, it’s easy to lose sight of the little players and focus instead on entire departments. But as a boss, this can mean you fall victim to poorly-managed departments, meaning inefficiencies, with costs spiraling out of control, absenteeism rising, and staff turnover growing. Outsourcing these complex fields to third parties means that you don’t have to worry about the day-to-day management of such departments; it’s done for you.

Flexibility: Another benefit of outsourcing is that you can take advantage of facilities management services when they’re needed. For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, you might want to hire an FM that can offer queue management and cleaning services to protect staff and customers. When services are no longer required, you won’t need to keep on a cleaner or maintenance guy 24/7/365; cutting costs and making your business agile and flexible.

Improves your Team: Taking advantage of external experts will help you develop your internal staff. You could shadow a member of staff from a facilities management company, for example, to learn their tricks of the trade and reduce the number of call-outs. Once an FM provider has installed a new security system, for example, your team can be trained to use it effectively, thus giving them more responsibilities in the workplace and making them feel more involved and valued.

There you have it. If you have any other questions about working with a facilities management company, reach out in the comments section and we’ll get back to you soon.

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