
Providing Perks: 4 Tips Business Owners Can Use To Raise Employee Morale

Whether your business has a few employees or dozens of them, it’s crucial that you keep their morale high. Not only does high employee morale correspond with high productivity, but it also makes turnover less likely, which means you don’t need to deal with the costs of that. Here are four tips on what you can provide for your employees to raise their morale.

A Well-Stocked Breakroom

Everyone loves free food. You don’t need to stock tons of ingredients in your breakroom to make your employees happy, as just a few different types of snacks and some coffee can do the trick. Look for products that you can buy in bulk and that don’t perish very quickly. You should also consider what your employees like. If they’re health-conscious, it wouldn’t make much sense to buy bags of chips.

Celebrations for Important Events

When important events happen either at your business or in the lives of your employees, take some time to recognize and celebrate them. These events can include employee birthdays, the anniversaries of when they were hired, marriages and any other big moments. You could celebrate by taking the office to lunch or ordering pizza. If you want to avoid spending money every time there’s an event to celebrate, you could opt for one celebration every month or two for all the events that happened in that time.

Filtered Water

Employees appreciate it when they don’t need to bring their own water to work every day. It’s one less item they need to carry with them, especially if they’re the type to drink quite a bit of water. Find a good water supplier like Olympic Springs Bottled Water or a similar business so that you can provide employees with high-quality, filtered water.

Employee Discounts

See if you can work out arrangements for any businesses in your area to offer your employees a discount. You’ll need to offer something in return, but it could become a mutually beneficial arrangement for you and the businesses you partner with. You scratch their back, they scratch yours and you end up with a happier group of employees.

You don’t need to spend all kinds of money on employee perks. A few well-thought-out, affordable perks can have a big impact on your employees’ morale and their satisfaction with their jobs, and the increase in productivity will more than make up for any money you spend.

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