
Projecting The Future: A Keyboard On Your Hand

In this day and age, people fight hard to keep up with the latest technological advances and trends. In fact, an innovative invention created by Masatoshi Ishikawa at the University of Tokyo, Japan, pushes the limit by creating projected interactive keyboards. Yet, what does the invention mean for the future?

How Does It Work?

Masatoshi Ishikawa’s invention works in two separate parts to create an interactive experience.
The first part involves projecting an outline of cellphone keys or a computer keyboard against any object, including your hand. While projecting interactive outlines of objects have been done before, Masatoshi Ishikawa’s work takes it even further. In fact, the system maps an object’s position 500 times per second to steadily project an image onto it. No matter how the object turns, the camera will always be locked onto it.
Meanwhile, the second part involves feeding information about the position of the object and keyboard projection to a second system known as the Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display. The second system creates a tingling sensation along the illuminated points that can be felt when the keyboard is outlined on your hand. The tingly sensation is caused by sound being beamed by about 2,000 ultrasonic wave emitters.

What Other Systems Are There?

As it was mentioned earlier, projecting interactive outlines against objects has already been done. The WorldKit system can be used to create interactive outlines against objects to function as a television remote or light dimmer. By swishing your hand to indicate what surface you want to use and stating what you want projected, the system can generate the appropriate outline and function. For example, if you gestured to the arm of a chair while saying “TV remote,” the system will create a virtual television remote. It will then work out what buttons you are using and perform the functions accordingly.

How Can Such Systems Benefit Different Industries?

According to Masatoshi Ishikawa, the invention has already attracted attention from gaming, medical, and auto industries. There are a number of different ways that the industries could potentially use the technology, such as: 
Creating projected interactive games for users to enjoy
Creating projected interactive interfaces to better manage a vehicle’s features
Creating projected interactive interfaces to help medical practitioners with diagnoses
For the computer industry, such a system could make using computers, tablets, and smartphones more interactive and easy than ever before. If such technology could ever be used while on the go, it would be excellent for enhancing or replacing smartphone functions. Perhaps it could one day even be developed to help eliminate the use of bulky hardware at all. However, it is very unlikely that such an occurrence will happen in the very near future.
In reality, once the technology becomes perfected, it can be integrated into any industry. While projecting interactive outlines on a larger scale will likely not be available for home use any time soon, it could one day become just as common as having home Internet. 
Frances Clark is a first adapter. He loves sharing his findings and opinions with other tech blogs. Click for internet services in your area.

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