
Planning Your Turks and Caicos Scuba Trip

The Turks and Caicos Islands are home to some of the most serene shorelines in the Caribbean. Just a short journey from these magnificent beaches lives a teeming mass of wildlife, around one of the world’s most spectacular coral reefs. Add this to sparkling, crystal clear waters and some of the friendliest guides around and you get an incredible environment for scuba and snorkelling.

Booking your trip couldn’t be easier, just search online for ‘Coral Gardens Direct’. From there you’ll be able to construct your perfect package that gives you a mix of relaxation, sun, water sports and of course, world famous scuba.

Once you’ve booked it’s time to start planning your Turks and Caicos scuba trip. If you’ve never dived before, this guide will help you do that and prepare you for your upcoming underwater expeditions.


Many people get to Turks and Caicos believing they are unable to scuba dive because of their age or fitness levels, when in truth almost anyone can learn to dive. Gone are the days when scuba put tremendous physical demands on your body, meaning most people are now able to experience scuba in full.

Certain medical conditions do exclude people from diving, including problems with the ears, respiratory system or certain allergies. All divers will be required to fill out a medical form before entering the water, but ensure you raise any concerns with your dive instructor if you feel you may not be medically fit enough to dive.

In terms of age, children as young as 8 years old can scuba and there is no upper limit! As long as you are able to get into the scuba kit and can master the breathing techniques, there are very few age limits for scuba divers.

Choose a Course

The next step is to choose a scuba course, and there are certainly plenty available on Turks and Caicos. Your course choice should be determined by what you want to achieve, how far you want to deep and how often you plan on diving in the future.

Courses range from absolute beginners that set you off in a pool to advanced open water certificates. When selecting, ensure your course is certified by a reputable scuba diving agency. There are a number around the world, so do your research to ensure the course is safe and value for money.

Get the Gear

First time scuba divers should rent their diving gear before investing in their own wet suits, tanks, masks, etc. In fact, many keen divers only ever purchase their own personal items such as wetsuits and masks, choosing to rent tanks and such like. Ensure the kit fits comfortable and safely before setting off on your trip.

The price of your course may well include the cost of rental, so check with the instructor before you sign on.

Learn the Theory

Before you can enter the water there is some homework to do. All certified courses will require you to read up on your diving theory before you can enter the water, so if you know you are diving for the first time on holiday it is sensible to study up before you depart from home.

The list of topics to study will be defined by the course, but should include thing such as safety stops, pressure and equalisation techniques at the very minimum.

Practise Makes Perfect

Once the course is chosen, the gear is hired and the theory learned it’s time to start practising your scuba! More often than not, instructors will take you through the basic skills in a swimming pool before you head off on the open water. You’ll learn techniques like how to equalise, how to keep you mask free of water and how to swim efficiently when under the sea. You’ll also learn an array of hand signals that you and your instructor will be using to communicate once underwater.

Off You Go!

So there you have it, from the sofa of your living room to the coral reefs of Turks and Caicos. Once you’ve completed all these steps you’ll be ready to head off on your very first scuba diving expedition. You’ll find amazing coral, a teeming set of wildlife and perhaps, a passion you’ll keep for life!

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