Home Improvement

Packing Tips for Domestic Removals – Ensuring a Smooth Transition

For pretty much every business specialising in house removals in Enfield, one of the most commonly asked questions is that of why some moves tend to go much more smoothly than others. And in all such cases the answer is the same – it all comes down to how proactive those making the move are both prior to and during the transition to the new property.

The simple fact of the matter is that any element of the moving process can be made either a pleasure or a chore in accordance with how it is approached. For a smooth move to be possible, it’s of crucial importance that each and every element be given adequate thought and attention, as it takes only one weak link in the chain to send the whole thing crashing to the ground. One perfect example to illustrate the point would be packing for the move as while chucking all of your possessions into a bunch of boxes may seem remedial at best, you simply cannot expect your move to go as planned if you pack randomly, poorly or without care.

So, with this in mind, here’s a quick rundown of a few key tips from the industry’s leading removals firms on how to go about packing prior to a move:

1 – Lighten the Load

First and foremost, it’s worth remembering that in this day and age, it’s perfectly normal and surprisingly affordable to have the professionals take charge of much of the packing on your behalf. If you’d rather do as little as possible and have the job taken care of, a team can head your way with quality packing materials and help get the whole thing wrapped up in no time…no pun intended.

2 – Plan Ahead

Whether you intend to go down the DIY route or to bring in the professionals, it’s of the utmost importance to plan as far ahead as possible. Anything you leave until the very last minute is guaranteed to turn into a nightmare with packing in particular often becoming the mother of all disasters. Be it weeks or even months in advance therefore, consider packing a little at a time beginning as early as possible.

3 – De-clutter As You Go

Packing for a move can be the perfect opportunity to have a good going-over all the bits and pieces you have lying around in order to determine what you need, what you want and what you could really do without. The idea of gutting a house from top to bottom in order to de-clutter its rooms really is quite unbearable and certainly unfeasible – unless of course you’re moving home. So, why not take the opportunity to go about a hard-headed cull of what’s doing nothing but cramp your style and your space?

4 – Buy Quality Materials

If you plan to have any kind of input in the packing process to save a few quid here and there, make sure that one of the areas you don’t cut corners in is that of the packing material quality. The reason being that while this is of course an expense, it’s not the kind of expense you’ll be looking at on a regular basis and probably doesn’t compare to the costs of replacing even a single item damaged or destroyed along the way. Simply reach out to a pro removals firm and you’ll be able to organise all the materials you need to be delivered right to your door.

5 – Dangerous Items

If you plan on transporting any machinery for the garden or anything else around the home that runs on petrol, gas, diesel, paraffin or anything else of the sort, it’s a good idea to empty the devices of all such fuel and ensure the fuel is safely stored during transport. The same also applies to any chemicals or cleaning products you may have around the home, not to mention tins of paint, varnish and anything that could cause a problem if it was to leak along the way.

6 – Pack Densely

Do your best to ensure that each and every box you pack is packed to its maximum capacity, in order to minimise the amount of room there is for its contents to rattle around and bang into each other. Where there is space or any gaps to be filled, do so with anything suitable from polystyrene beads to old newspaper.

7 – Label Efficiently

Last but not least, it takes just minutes to produce detailed labels for your boxes in order to keep an inventory of where anything that’s of any kind of importance to you is. If you have 20 boxes all heading to the same room of the home, it’s hardly efficient to simply label each one of them ‘Dining Room’ and expect to know what’s in each of them.

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