
Israel Ancient Discoveries-Transform Your Travel With Some Ancient Israel Insights

Exploring Israel can take so many forms depending on what you are really interested in. You could ride across the country looking for the best sites and sounds, find tourist friendly and must see towns and cities while sampling the best cuisine this part of Palestine has to offer. However, that’s just a small part of what makes Israel.

It is a historic country with a lot to offer everyone, from the student on tour, tourist on vacation to the visitor looking for a whole new experience in the Holy Land, a land so historic that it finds itself as the meeting place of diverse religions and one of the most significant and expensive real estates that has attracted so much controversy for over 5,000 years and still happening as it did in the past.

Perfect a different Approach

If you would like to discover Israel in your travels to this wonderful city perhaps after travelling EL AL, your approach need to be wholly different from what most of your friends or family would. You can begin exploring Israel through ancient discoveries and ancient remnants that can still be seen in Israel; something that takes you back millennia if you know where to look. Exploring sites with an ancient touch as you travel across Israel will let you see something you had no idea existed or you did not know in virtually every corner.

Delectable Sites

Israel has a fantastic selection of some of the most delectable historic sites and you can always plan eye opening great expeditions as you take a trip across the land.  In fact, Israel is one place under the sun where the historic sites are growing all the time and while covering them all is a little bit difficult, you can always begin by discovering ancient sites any time you are there. All these cities have a characteristic millennial history that continues to be told as we speak.


One of these places in Israel with some ancient discoveries is Caesarea where the Roman hand in the land of Israel had a strong mark. As you enjoy what is remaining of it you get another picture of the place that was left by the ranging Crusaders and their campaigns.


In Jerusalem you will definitely find so much more than you thought possible in terms of ancient discoveries and what the past was like in a city that still attracts so much love and hate in equal measure, depending on which side you are on.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel

Hezekiah’s Tunnel is a worthwhile stop in Israel, where you get to see an aqueduct from the ancient times created by Hezekiah, the king of Judah in the protection of Jerusalem’s water supply from any destruction by invading armies. The aqueduct is well recorded in the Bible including its commissioning, something that brings out a special feeling as you walk through the tunnel.

Temple Mount

Temple Mount is another place worth stopping by and one of the holiest places in Israel not only for Muslims and Jews but also for Christians. A lot of major events are recorded by the three religions as having happened there.

Even as you get yourself across Jerusalem, do not forget the Shiloach Pool, Coenaculum structure built by crusaders and the Caesarea aqueduct built by Romans in Caesarea.

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