
How To Safeguard Your Family During A Storm? Finding The Best Storm Shelters In Arkansas

Arkansas has a long history of dangerous storms and tornadoes. It is the tornado season during springtime in Arkansas. It’s a part of the natural climatic conditions and humans cannot do anything about it. The only thing you can do is look out for storm shelters for sale to protect yourself and your family from these tornadoes. Today there are a lot of options to protect yourself from tornadoes. Storm shelters come in different types, below ground as well as above ground. Though shelters are expensive, they save you and your loved ones during a storm.

When you are buying a storm shelter for your home be it above ground or underground you must ensure that the shelters are built complaint with all FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and NSSA (National Storm Shelter Association) safety standards.

While buying a shelter you must keep in mind the dimensions required. FEMA recommends that a person must have at least 6 square feet in case of a tornado and 10 square feet in case of a hurricane.

Above Ground Shelters

Above ground, shelters come with channeled wall system and can be installed in any room of your home. It is convenient when you have elderly people at home. It is also convenient for people who are specially-abled as climbing stairs are not required. The ground preparation work for installing above ground shelters is minimal hence they are more economical.

They take up space and the smallest size comes in 4X4 feet. This can be an issue if space is limited.

You can decide on the space required in consultation with the technical team of the company that offers storm shelters for sale.

Below Ground Shelters

Being below ground during a storm or tornado is safe as there will not be any debris smashing into your shelter. However, the possibility of debris landing on the door can be a problem.

If you reside in a high water table then it is possible that your underground shelter may get flooded which can be life-threatening.

They are more expensive as the excavation and preparing of the shelter bed add to the cost.

Outdoor cellars are also an option. They come in flat top and slop front models.

Materials used for Construction of shelters

Custom built shelters are made of concrete and are mostly underground. The concrete is made waterproof. The Shelter doors are made of steel. With new technologies even high-density polyethylene and fiberglass are being used for doors and latches. The doors of the shelters open inwards. Aluminum is used for stairs.

The above ground units are fabricated with corrugated steel, steel plates, and steel panels. These units are anchored at every 18’’ distance using high-grade epoxy. Most shelters come with lifetime warranty.


If you are living in the region that is prone to storms, hurricanes or tornadoes, it can cause great trouble for you and your loved ones. As it is the act of nature your only option is to protect yourself and your family by going in for Storm Shelters for Sale which could be either above ground or underground.

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